If you are already a student, parent or guardian, and have an Infinite Campus account, you may access the system by simply clicking on the icon to the right or visiting your school’s web site. What information is available to students and parents within the portal? And more… Who has access to the Student/Parent Portal?
Patricia Kasierski ~ pkasierski@dcrsd.org The Parent Portal should be used as a tool for connectivity between home and school, it shouldn’t be viewed as a substitute for meaningful conversation between parents/guardians and teachers. Sincerely,
dpackard@dcrsd.org 508-248-1423 Fax: 508-248-1418 SchoolBrains Parent Portal I am very pleased to announce that the SchoolBrains Parent Portal is live for middle school parents and guardians! In order for parents/guardians to access the community portal the parent/guardian must have a valid e-mail address on file with the school.
The Parent Portal should be used as a tool for connectivity between home and school, it shouldn’t be viewed as a substitute for meaningful conversation between parents/guardians and teachers. Sincerely, Mr. Dean Packard
Parent/Guardian who has been designated as having legal rights to their children may request a parent portal account. Each parent / guardian will have their own unique account that can be used to gain access to student records that they have legal rights to.
Attendance information will be updated daily. Grades and assignments will be updated as soon as they are graded by your child’s teacher (s).
Parents of current DMPS students without portal accounts should contact their student’s school building to have a portal account created for them.
Log into your parent portal account and select “Household Information” from the index to update your household phone number or address. Select “Family Members” to update contact phone numbers for any members in your household. Select “Contact Preferences” to change the types of messages you receive from your student’s building (s). Otherwise, you may contact your child’s school administration office to request changes.
All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.
Infinite Campus uses SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology to ensure data is protected while information is in transit. It is similar to what the banking industry is utilizing.
At DeWitt Middle School, we provide planners for students to write all assignments and upcoming work in a consistent place. Students are also welcome to use their own planner (electronic or paper). Teachers write all upcoming assignments, projects, etc. on the whiteboards in their classrooms and many also post this information to their websites. Teachers spend time at the start of the year teaching students how to best use their planners. We encourage parents to view the planners regularly to stay up-to-date.
If your child is going to be absent, please call our 24 hour attendance line, 668-3247, by 8:00 am each day. Students are excused only if we receive a phone call or a note from a parent. Also, please send a note with your child if he/she will be leaving for an appointment during the school day.
The Student Success Center is staffed by a middle school teacher and provides students with a quiet place where they can work on homework, receive help from the supervising teacher, and make-up pre-arranged tests and quizzes after school.
Furthermore, our school also offers students the opportunity to attend the Student Success Center. The Student Success Center is staffed by a middle school teacher and provides students with a quiet place where they can work on homework, receive help from the supervising teacher, and make-up pre-arranged tests and quizzes after school. The Student Success Center is available Monday through Thursday after school until 4:00 p.m. with the exception of early release days and and days where professional development takes place for staff after school. Students will receive notice of these cancellation days in advance via announcements.
All medications (over the counter and prescription) are to be stored in the school office. A “Permission to Administer Medication” form must be filled out and signed by the parent. For prescription medications, a doctor's signature is required on the form.
Students are also welcome to use their own planner (electronic or paper). Teachers write all upcoming assignments, projects, etc. on the whiteboards in their classrooms and many also post this information to their websites. Teachers spend time at the start of the year teaching students how to best use their planners.
ESIT Data Management System. The federal government requires ESIT to collect information about infants and toddlers, their families and resources in the early intervention system.
The ESIT Data Team is committed to providing quarterly updates on the DMS Enhancement Project to our partners and stakeholders. These meetings are open to all DMS Users and present an opportunity for you to provide feedback and ask questions about our new Data Management System.