don bosco parent portal

by Prof. Vena Reynolds 9 min read

What is Don Bosco High School?

. Don Bosco Preparatory High School is a Catholic and Salesian secondary school which, since 1915, has carried out the education and evangelization of young men.

Are there any parent support groups at Bosco Tech?

Bosco Tech has many parent support groups for our students, band and sports. If you are interested in learning more or participating in any of these groups, please feel free to contact them directly. The Music Boosters are a group of dedicated parents focused on providing the best Music Education experience for students at Bosco Tech.

Who are the new Salesians at Don Bosco Prep?

The Salesian Community at Don Bosco Prep is proud that Kevin White ‘16 and John Castonguay will be making their First Profession as Salesians on Saturday, August 15 at the Marian Shrine in Stony Point, NY. . . DBP WELCOMES CARL BANKS! WELCOME IRONMEN CLASS OF 2025! .

Why donate to the annual Bosco fund?

Your gift to the Annual Bosco Fund will help DBP fund new programs and initiatives, provide opportunities to prospective students, and update equipment for DBP's classrooms, clubs and teams. Click here to learn more about this exciting venture.


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In February 2020, Don Bosco Prep developed a strategic plan to help position our school to educate students in a manner relevant to the 21st century world in which we live.


Don Bosco Preparatory High School is a Catholic and Salesian secondary school which, since 1915, has carried out the education and evangelization of young men.
