doral academy parent portal

by Ivah O'Hara 10 min read

What is Academy at Doral?

Doral Academy Elementary is an accredited Tuition-Free Public High-Performing Charter School offering an Arts and Management Middle School program. Enroll Now!

Is Doral Academy charter school a mandatory uniform school?

Doral Academy Charter School is a mandatory uniform school. Students are expected to come to school clean and appropriately groomed and dressed. School uniforms may be purchased at All Uniform Wear.

Do I need to apply to Doral Academy preparatory?

Current Doral Academy Preparatory student do not need to apply. Your seat is reserved. All NEW applicants, including interesting siblings, MUST apply below. A random selection (lottery) process will be used to select eligible applicant.

Is Doral College registration open for the spring semester?

Doral College registration for the Spring semester is now open! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S! MenFirebirds LadyFirebirds and Mixed Firebird Singers all received...


Our Mission

The mission of Doral Academy Inc. is to create a high quality K-12 educational learning community where stakeholders are...

News & Announcements

Uniform Policy Reminder Doral Academy Charter School is a mandatory uniform school. Students are expected to come to school clean and appropriately groomed and dressed. School uniforms may be purchased at All Uniform Wear. Both tops and bottoms must be embroidered with the school’s name.
