dorothy lynas parent portal

by Miss Noemy Turner DDS 8 min read

Why École Dorothy Lynas Elementary School?

École Dorothy Lynas Elementary School is a public dual track elementary school situated in the lovely Indian River community of North Vancouver at 4000 Inlet Crescent. Our setting enables us to have a close connection with the nature around us. We offer English and French Immersion programs for students enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 7.

How can I get involved with the Dorothy Lynas PAC?

All parents, guardians and other caregivers of students attending Dorothy Lynas are considered members of PAC and are encouraged to get involved in any way they can – attend PAC meetings, volunteer at events, help during hot lunch days etc. PAC can be contacted at:

Does Dorothy Lynas offer English immersion?

We offer English and French Immersion programs for students enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 7. Dorothy Lynas has one of the highest enrollment numbers of all elementary schools in the North Vancouver School District consisting of close to 550 students.


What school district is Dorothy Lynas in?

Dorothy Lynas has one of the highest enrollment numbers of all elementary schools in the North Vancouver School District consisting of close to 550 students. We are part of the Seycove (English) and Windsor (French Immersion) Secondary School catchment areas.

Where is Dorothy Lynas Elementary School?

École Dorothy Lynas Elementary School is a public dual track elementary school situated in the lovely Indian River community of North Vancouver at 4000 Inlet Crescent. Our setting enables us to have a close connection with the nature around us.

What is Dorothy Lynas' role in the classroom?

Dorothy Lynas Class Reps play a key role in assisting the PAC and their classroom teachers to communicate information to the rest of the class to help enhance our school. Full information about being a class rep is available on the PAC Website under the "Get Involved" heading. If you are interested in volunteering to be a class rep, please talk to your child's teacher.

What is Dorothy Lynas PAC?

The Dorothy Lynas PAC produces a student directory which includes class lists and OPTIONAL student contact details. This is a great way to get to know your children's class, be able to arrange playdates, and even find baby sitters in your neighbourhood. If you would like your contact details included in the directory, you will be given a chance to fill out your contact information online early in the school year. Information can be found under Programs & Events on the PAC website. Please note your contact details need to be updated every year for the directory.

What is a PAC at Dorothy Lynas?

The Dorothy Lynas Elementary PAC (Parent Advisory Council) supports the school in a variety of important ways, including communicating volunteer opportunities, school events, fundraisers and the hot lunch program. All parents, guardians and other caregivers of students attending Dorothy Lynas are considered members of PAC and are encouraged to get involved in any way they can – attend PAC meetings, volunteer at events, help during hot lunch days etc. PAC can be contacted at:
