dsc parent portal

by Prof. Cayla Jaskolski IV 4 min read

What is the DCS parent guide?

The guide is designed to follow a family’s path through the Department of Child Safety from the time of first contact with a DCS Specialist. The common questions people have regarding the Department of Child Safety are listed in the table of contents with the page numbers. Download a copy of the Parent Guide

How do I log in to the parent portal?

Your initial log-in information for the Parent Portal will come via email. If you haven’t received your username and password, please reach out to your school’s registrar to make sure they have your correct email address and have granted you Parent Portal access in the system.

How do parents access Infinite Campus Information?

Parents can access select Infinite Campus information by establishing a Campus Portal account. Campus Portal provides parents and students real time grades, assignments and their due dates, attendance, district news, lunch balances, and other important information about student classes.

How does DCSD use Infinite Campus?

DCSD Campus Portal Douglas County School District uses a student information system called Infinite Campus (IC) to store student data. Schools use IC to report absences, gather enrollment information, track fees, manage grades, send messages to parents, and much more.


How to Log On

Your initial log-in information for the Parent Portal will come via email. If you haven’t received your username and password, please reach out to your school’s registrar to make sure they have your correct email address and have granted you Parent Portal access in the system.

Instructional Videos

These instructional videos will guide you through the ins and outs of the Aspen Parent Portal.

What is DCS section 1?

Section 1. Describes what the Department of Child Safety (DCS) is about, what it does, and what happens when families become involved with the Department. Download Section.

What is DCS in Arizona?

If you are reading this, you are most likely involved with the Department of Child Safety (DCS), or perhaps you would like to know more about Arizona’s Department of Child Safety.

Who administers child welfare in Arizona?

The child welfare system in Arizona is administered by the Department of Child Safety.
