dublin city schools parent portal

by Dovie Wilderman Jr. 9 min read

What is the phone number for Dublin City Schools?

207 SHAMROCK DR DUBLIN, GA 31021 (478) 353-8000 (478) 353-8001 district Parents Schools FOLLOW US Twitter Facebook Privacy Policy Dublin City Schools is an "equal opportunity employer."

Is Dublin City Schools an equal opportunity employer?

FOLLOW US Twitter Facebook Privacy Policy Dublin City Schools is an "equal opportunity employer."

What information can parents access on the parent portal?

Parents can access their children's forms, bus routes, food history and menus, school news, and more.

How do I create a parent access code for my student?

Enter your Access Code your student brought home to you and was emailed to your student's account. It should look similar to this: xxx-xxx-xxx When you use a Parent Access Code to create an account, you will be automatically associated with that student.


Applications for Parents

Dublin City Schools works everyday to provide our students with world-class instruction and a well-rounded education and to continuously improve in everything we do. It is our goal to align our daily work around these concepts in order to create the Dublin Difference.

Final Forms

Parents must use Final Forms to fill out all necessary athletic forms for student athletes.


PaySchools allows parents to add money to their student (s)'school lunch accounts for school lunch purchases.


ProgressBook is used by teachers (grades K-5) to input student grades and assignments, and is where all final grades, K-12 are posted. Parents can login into ProgressBook to check their student's progress and to see their grades.

Registration Gateway - New Student

The Registration Gateway Suite is the online portal that is used to enroll new students. You will be instructed to create a login and password which allows you to begin the process.


SchoolCare is a new tool our RNs and health services department will use to keep track of student medical records. Parents must use this application to fill out REQUIRED medical forms such as the Emergency Medical Authorization (EMA) form. Demographic and contact information MUST be completed through the Back to School portal.


Schoology is a learning management system used at our secondary level (grades 6-12). Teachers use Schoology to post assigments and students can use this application to complete homework. Parents can login to their student's account to check subject material and to view assignments given.
