dudley parent portal

by Concepcion Bradtke MD 6 min read

How do I contact Dudley-Charlton Regional School District?

dpackard@dcrsd.org Dudley-Charlton Regional School District 68 Dudley-Oxford Road Dudley, MA 01571 508-943-6888 Fax: 508-943-1077 Sitemap Contact Us District Home Mail Facebook Twitter © Dudley-Charlton Regional School District 2015. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Finalsite

What is the Parent Portal application?

The parent portal application allows you to apply for your child's reception class or transfer to secondary school, via online interface. You can create an account, add your child (ren) to the account and create one or more school preferences for them.

Why choose Dudley-Charlton schools?

The mission of the Dudley-Charlton Schools is to prepare all students with the knowledge, skills and attributes required for success in a rapidly changing world. In pursuit of this mission, we believe that it is our job "... to advance the knowledge and well being of our children and our community.”

What is the Fairport Central School District Parent Portal?

Welcome Parents! Welcome to the Fairport Central School District Parent Portal! This website is designed as a resource for parents to enhance involvement with their child's education by connecting with communication platforms used at FCSD, as well as providing help and support along the way.


Early Education Funding Provider Portal

Early education for all two, three and four year olds is processed and administered through the Early Education Funding provider portal.

Extra time for threes and fours

All three-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare from the term after their third birthday.

Do you need access to our Parent Portal?

Please click and follow the link to fill out the form to request access to the parent portal.

Enroll your child in Dudley Shoals today!

Please click on the link below to find the forms to enroll your child for the 2021-22 school year. https://caldwellncc.scriborder.com/


The open enrollment period for student transfer applications is January 15 through February 28, 2022.
