duke tip parent portal

by Telly Toy 4 min read

What is the Duke TIP program?

About Duke TIP. The Duke University Talent Identification Program is a nonprofit organization that supports academically talented students in grades four through twelve.

What is the Office of parent&family programs at Duke?

Parents & Families The Office of Parent & Family Programs serves as the primary point of contact for all undergraduate Duke parents and families. We want you to stay connected, both to your student and to other Duke families, remain informed about what's going on within the Duke community, and engage with us.

What is the Duke University Talent Identification Program?

The Duke University Talent Identification Program is a nonprofit organization that supports academically talented students in grades four through twelve.

Is Duke TIP cancelled for 2021?

Duke TIP activities for eligible students have been cancelled through the summer of 2021, according to a March 2021 announcement. After this break, activities geared towards students in grades 6-8 are moving to a program named Duke University Youth Programs. Students in grades 9-12 can find programs under the name Duke University Pre-College.


What replaced Duke TIP?

Duke TIP activities for eligible students have been cancelled through the summer of 2021, according to a March 2021 announcement. After this break, activities geared towards students in grades 6-8 are moving to a program named Duke University Youth Programs.

Is Duke TIP still a thing?

As a result the TIP Summer Studies program and the Academic Talent Search were permanently cancelled. Beginning in 2022, all pre-college students were directed to Duke's Continuing Studies program.

How hard is it to get into Duke TIP?

To qualify for Duke TIP's 7th Grade Talent Search, you must have scored 'at or above the 95th percentile on an accepted grade-level national standardized test or abilities test... [or] on a state assessment' Quotation source: Eligibility | Duke TIP.

Does being in Duke TIP help you get into Duke?

Duke TIP will not affect a student's ability to get into college or move ahead with future career plans.

Should I put Duke TIP on my resume?

1 answer. Definitely not Duke TIP because it's not really an achievement from high school and there's a wide range of students in the program so it doesn't give any context about you that test scores and grades don't give.

What SAT score do you need for Duke TIP?

SAT Requirements: eStudiesIf you took the SAT in…And scored…You are eligible for...9th grade≥ 560 on MatheStudies Math≥ 560 on EBRWeStudies Verbal10th grade≥ 600 on MatheStudies Math≥ 600 on EBRWeStudies Verbal4 more rows•Mar 15, 2022

Does everyone get a Duke interview?

Not every student is, in the end, granted an interview, and those that do not get this opportunity are invited to submit an additional recommendation with their application.

Do Duke alumni interviews matter?

Through offering interviews with alumni, Duke admissions officers are able to add a new perspective to your application. I remember my interview; it wasn't too long ago. I had the chance to sit down with a Duke alum from my area who told me about her time as a Duke student.

How much does Duke TIP cost?

$80How much does it cost to join Duke TIP? Students join Duke TIP by enrolling in TIP's 7th Grade Talent Search. Enrollment is a onetime process that costs $80.

What is Duke TIP 7th grade?

Duke TIP's 7th Grade Talent Search identifies students across the United States who have scored at or above the 95th percentile on a grade-level achievement test. As part of the program, these academically talented students take above-level college-entrance exams to learn more about their abilities.

What age is Duke TIP FOR?

How does the Duke TIP work? Since its inception in 1980, the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) has assessed, recognized, and rewarded academically-gifted children in grades 4-12.

What is Duke TIP Grand Recognition?

The Grand Recognition Ceremony (GRC) honors seventh graders who have earned scores equal to or better than 90 percent of college-bound seniors who took the same tests. The event was held May 16 at Cameron Indoor Stadium on the Duke University campus in Durham, North Carolina.

How smart do you have to be to get into Duke?

Applicants require exceptionally good grades to get into Duke. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Duke University was 3.94 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily A- students are accepted and ultimately attend. The school ranks #5 in North Carolina for highest average GPA.

What do you have to do to get into Duke?

To have the best shot of getting in, you should aim for the 75th percentile, with a 1570 SAT or a 35 ACT. You should also have a 4.13 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score.

Can you buy your way into Duke?

"Buying your way into Duke" is virtually impossible, says former Harvard University dean of arts and sciences Henry Rosovsky in "The University: An Owner's Manual." "Pull, personal influence, bribery," he wrote in 1990, are "inconsequential factors" in college admissions. Such faith is harder to sustain these days.

Why Is Duke TIP Cancelled?

According to The Chronicle, the end to Duke TIP was “a direct result of COVID-19.” After the forced cancellation of the 2020 TIP summer sessions, the program was left in an “unsustainable financial position.”

Who Is Affected By This Change?

Many of our academically talented 7th and 8th grade students participated in the Duke Talent Search Program. This would involve students taking the ACT® or SAT® tests in middle school to see how they performed compared to their peers.

What Should We Do Now?

We know that it’s important for any gifted and talented student to feel challenged and engaged in order to grow.

Enrichment Opportunities for Middle School Students

There are endless opportunities for middle school students to challenge themselves outside of the classroom. These options include contests, day camps, weekend camps, summer programs, and mentorship opportunities.
