duluth parent portal

by Aletha Schmidt 7 min read

What is Duluth Public Schools doing for You?

Welcome! Duluth Public Schools are working to inspire every student to achieve their potential and preparing students to lead productive, fulfilling lives as citizens of Duluth and the wider world. Please click here for detailed information on the items below. >Help Make a Difference – Become a Substitute! .

What is the campus Parent Portal?

With the privilege of accessing the Campus Parent, every user is expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. The portal is available to every student, and parent/guardian of a student, enrolled in Duluth Public Schools.

How do I access my child's information in the parent portal?

Access your student's information on the web or via a mobile device. Please contact your child's school for details. Prior to entering your username and password in the mobile app, please search for school district by district name and state. Please Note! Infinite Campus Parent Portal Notifications

What settings can I Opt Out of in the parent portal?

Families may log into Parent Portal and opt out of all settings EXCEPT Emergency and Priority, which will remain selected for all families. This will ensure that, when there's a school emergency, all families in Infinite Campus for that school receive notification.



Parents can play many roles in sports: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents for socializing sports.


Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Duluth Wolfpack Lacrosse experience during each sporting season.


Keep connected to your team (s). Get schedules and team updates for every athlete in the house, plus a way to message other members on your team and a way to give coaches a heads up about practice. Enjoy unlimited access to scores & stats, photo/video sharing, and more.


In many instances, more than one parent or guardian needs to be in the loop with a child's sports life. Using the mobile app, you can add additional guardians to an account. Guardians can 1) View games and events 2) RSVP to games and events 3) Send and receive messages to coaches and team members 4) participate in team chat

Our Pride

Our shared history and unique sense of community contribute to the success of Duluth High School. Click on Our Pride to learn more.

Our People

Our faculty, staff and students are among the most diverse and academically successful in the state. Click on Our People to learn more.

Our Programs

Our school offers many opportunities for student engagement no matter what your interests might be. Click on Our Programs to learn more.

Duluth Strong

Recently, GCPS TV came to DHS and some of our other cluster schools to talk about what makes the Duluth Cluster such a special place for students, staff, and the community. Check it out by clicking the Duluth Strong heading above.

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

Click here to access the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. This form needs to be renewed per student at the beginning of each school year. While meals will be free for the 2021-2022 school year, this application is important for students wishing to receive waivers and discounts for AP testing, SAT/ACT registrations and college applications.

Bus and Student Parking Information

Click the headline above for information about GCPS bus transportation and on campus student parking. This link will take you to the bus routes for your student as well as information if you are interested in driving for GCPS!


Good luck 🍀 Cerianna Balram, our Duluth High School Poetry Out Loud champion. She will represent our school in the Atlanta regional POL competition today! Break a leg, Cerianna! #WildcatPride💜🖤🐾 #PoetryOutLoud
