dusd dhs parent portal

by Ernie Dach III 6 min read

What is the DUSD Q parent conntection?

The DUSD Q Parent Conntection is a web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the internet.

Why choose Dublin unified school district?

Dublin Unified School District will educate every student to become a lifelong learner by providing a safe and supportive environment that fosters collective responsibility for each student’s success. Congratulations to our DUSD PSA Winners! View the top three entries here. DUSD PSA Contest - Entries due by December 1st!

How do I submit a Q parentconnection request?

Parents are to complete the Q ParentConnection Request Form (first page) and return it in person to one of their student’s school sites. Parents are to retain the Terms of Use Agreement, (second page) for their own records.

How does the school verify the parent’s identity?

The school will verify the parent’s identity at the time the form is submitted to the school site. Within one month of turning in the Q ParentConnection Request Form to a school site, the parent will receive an email with a PIN number, temporary password and instructions on how to log into Q ParentConnection.


How to access my child's data?

Parents May Request Web Access to their Child’s Data By: 1 Downloading and completing the Q ParentConnection Request Form.#N#Click here to download the Q ParentConnection Request Form (English)#N#Click here to download the Q ParentConnection Request Form (Spanish) 2 Parents are to complete the Q ParentConnection Request Form (first page) and return it in person to one of their student’s school sites. Parents are to retain the Terms of Use Agreement, (second page) for their own records. The school will verify the parent’s identity at the time the form is submitted to the school site. 3 Within one month of turning in the Q ParentConnection Request Form to a school site, the parent will receive an email with a PIN number, temporary password and instructions on how to log into Q ParentConnection.

What is a PIN for school?

Using a confidential PIN (personal identification number) and password, parents can connect to the school district’s student database using a web browser and view their child’s data, such as school news, classroom news, student schedules, attendance activity, class assignments, progress reports.

What is the head start program?

Head Start: Head Start is a national program administered by the Office of Head Start within the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

What is the number for Special Kids?

Special Kids Network: The toll-free Special Kids Network helpline (1-800-986-4550) is a quick and easy way to find the many resources in your community that may help meet your child's special health care needs. Early Intervention Technical Assistance. Opens In A New Window.
