eagleridge mesa parent portal

by Nat Adams III 3 min read

What is an enrolling parent?

The enrolling parent is ordinarily the natural parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian with whom the student lives most of the school week and who signs school registration forms. In the event of an emergency, school staff members will attempt to contact the enrolling parent first, unless a different order is indicated. If the enrolling parent cannot be reached, the school staff will then call the other parents/guardians listed. If the enrolling parent or other parents/guardians cannot be reached, school staff will call the individuals listed as emergency contact

What is Mesa Public Schools?

Mesa Public Schools provides your child Internet access and G Suite (Google) for Education Core and Additional Services to support learning. Teachers provide guidance and direction on the appropriate use of the Internet and G Suite for Education. In accordance with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the district uses filters to block access to Web content that is inappropriate. District Internet is accessible at school; G Suite for Education services are accessible at school and home. Monitoring student use of technology while at home is the responsibility of the parent. Unless you opt out, your child will have access to Internet and G Suite for Education.

Is Eagleridge a disability?

You may want to discuss what supports your child may need to have an equal opportunity to continue to participate at Eagleridge as a child with a disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

Student Portal

Student Portal Access your attendance, grades, and other academic information via StudentVUE.

Library Resource Centers

Browse to your school's resource center to view library resources online.

Parent Portal

Access re-enrollment and your child's attendance, grades, and other academic information via ParentVUE.

Student Meal Information

Apply for meal assistance, view menus and learn about nutritional wellness.

Pay & Donate

Make online payments or tax credit contributions to extracurricular activities.
