eani parent portal

by Vicente Larson 10 min read

Where can I find an application form for Eani?

Application Forms are available to download below, or you can request a paper form by emailing the Primary Admissions Office (primaryadmissions@eani.org.uk) or by telephone request to the Admissions Helpdesk (028) 9598 5595. Your application will be processed as a late application.

What is the EA Youth Service Funding Application Portal?

Welcome to the EA Youth Service Funding Application Portal. This portal provides access for Regional and Local Voluntary Youth Organisations to register, apply and report online for EA Youth Service Funding. Registration will remain open all year round.

Is there a citizen portal for parents?

The Citizen Portal is for parents – check our website for information www.eani.org.uk/admissions.

How do I apply for statutory assessment as a parent?

If you are a parent and unable to apply online, please call the SEN Helpline to arrange for a paper application to be sent to you. For more information on the Statutory Assessment process or if you have any queries please contact the SEN Helpline and select option 1.


When is the P1 application open for 2021?

The online application for admission to P1 in September 2021 has now closed. All children who are 4 years old on or before the 1st July must begin their primary education from the beginning of the school year following their 4th birthday.

When will pre-school applications be processed in 2021?

If your application was received after 4.00pm on 5 May 2021 it will not be processed until after close of Stage 2 (from 10 June 2021). If you still need to make application for a pre-school place information will be available online on 10 June to advise you how you can apply.

Registering for the service

Only eligible parents can register for this service. Eligible parents will have received formal notification from us that you are entitled to a parental payment.

Trouble signing in

You’ll need a username and password to sign in to this service. Your username is the email address that gets the notifications.

What to do if your child is having difficulty accessing learning?

If your child is still having difficulty accessing learning, despite assistance being provided by the school, or other professionals a request for referral for a Statutory Assessment can be made.

Do children need extra help at school?

Some children may need additional help at school. There are a range of support measures and strategies available for children and young people within their school. It’s important to raise any concerns you have about your child with the school and work together.


Welcome to the EA Youth Service Funding Application Portal. This portal provides access for Regional and Local Voluntary Youth Organisations to register, apply and report online for EA Youth Service Funding.

Online Registration

Registration will remain open all year round. More information regarding registration can be found here . Registration is required to access the Funding Scheme for Regional and Local Voluntary Youth Organisations.

Funding for Regional and Local Voluntary Youth Organisation

For more information about the available funding streams for Regional and Local Voluntary Youth Organisations, please visit our dedicated funding website at www.eanifunding.org.uk .
