east davidson high school parent portal

by Lilian Hermann 10 min read

How do I contact Emile Davidson High School?

Davidson High School Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable T: Telephone02 9451 0022 E: Emaildavidson-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au About our school

What kind of Education does Davidson offer?

Mathematics Personal development, health and physical education Science Technological and applied studies Religion and ethics Life Ready Learning across the curriculum Assessment and reporting Scholarships and awards Library eLearning at Davidson Contact us Contact us Parent Portal Parent Portal School Visitor Check-In School Visitor Check-In

What is Davidson's parents and Citizen's Association?

Davidson's Parents and Citizen's Association Inclusive learning support Learning at our school Learning from home Creative arts English Human society and its environment Languages Mathematics Personal development, health and physical education

What is Davidson's PDA?

Davidson's Parents and Citizen's Association Inclusive learning support Learning at our school Learning from home Creative arts English Human society and its environment Languages Mathematics Personal development, health and physical education Science Technological and applied studies Religion and ethics


EDHS Celebrates FFA Week - February 21-25!

In honor of FFA Week, EDHS will be having some special events! Themes for each day are posted around the school. Monday is branding day, wear your favorite truck or tractor brands! There will also be a dirtiest vehicle contest. The outside of your vehicle will be judged during advisory Monday morning by the FFA officers.

February is CTE Month!

February is CTE month! Check out all the things happening in our CTE Department!

EDHS Blood Drive

EDHS will be holding a blood drive on Wednesday, March 16. Visit the link below to sign up for a time to donate. https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=East%20Davidson%20HS

East Davidson Community Spring Fling Vendor Application

Interested in being a vendor at the East Davidson Community Spring Fling? Complete the Vendor Agreement Form or stop by the front office to pick up a form. A booth space will be assigned to the vendor upon receipt of this form, a check in the amount of $50 made out to East Davidson High School, and one item for donation in our event raffle.

Order a Yearbook by February 24th

The 2022 yearbook is filled with portraits, events, sports, candids, and activities (both inside and outside of school) for them to celebrate the moments of being back together. And memories. Lots of memories.

Buy a Brick and Help Leave a Lasting Legacy at EDHS

EDHS plans to fundraise for our beautification projects. We invite YOU to join in celebrating our school and our rich history in this community by purchasing a custom engraved brick. Bricks may be personalized with names, dates, and special messages. Proceeds raised will be used to fund ongoing efforts to improve our campus.

EDHS Chromebook Device Agreement

EDHS Students will be assigned Chromebooks for the 2021-2022 School Year. Complete the Chromebook Agreement Form and return it to school as soon as possible.
