east pointe middle school parent portal

by Stan Ankunding 10 min read

What is Eastpointe Middle School like?

Welcome to Eastpointe Middle School, a community middle school serving grades six and seven! In addition to an engaging and exciting curriculum, Eastpointe Middle School students have opportunities to participate in a variety of after-school clubs and sports as selected by the student body.

What are the schools in Eastpointe TX?

Bellview Elementary Eastpointe Middle School Crescentwood Elementary Eastpointe High School Forest Park Elementary District Report Pleasantview Elementary EHS Virtual Academy Alternative Center

How do I Register my child to return to Eastpointe Community Schools?

Eastpointe residents who did not attend Eastpointe Community Schools this school year can register to return at any time. We are excited to be able to offer an online registration process for new resident students to allow parents to register their child from the comfort and safety of their own home. Please click here to register!

What grade levels are open in Eastpointe?

Eastpointe residents will enjoy openings for their child in kindergarten through 12th grade . Eastpointe residents who did not attend Eastpointe Community Schools this school year can register to return at any time.


Chromebook Distribution

Chromebook distribution will take place at Eastpointe Middle School on Wednesday, November 3 through Friday November 5, 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM and 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Guardians should use the rear parking lot and access the Art room near Door 3. For those that have not completed a device loan agreement, they will be available at the door.

Schedule Information

Parents should have received both an email and a phone message letting them know if their student is attending in person on A days or B days. These days can be found in the school calendar above.

Transportation & Food Service

Bus schedules will continue as normal for EMS students on their face-to-face days.

How to set up PowerSchool account?

Setting Up a Account 1 Open your browser to the PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://scpcsd.powerschool.com/public/home.html 2 Click on Create Account. You can create multiple accounts (We recommend students create their own account) 3 To create an account, you will enter the following information:

What is PowerSchool parent portal?

PowerSchool is a state-mandated student information system. With the PowerSchool parent portal, parents can easily access their child’s grades, attendance and schedule information at any time. In order to login to PowerSchool, you will need an access ID and password. If you need this.

Do parents have to give access to student ID?

Generally speaking, only parents/guardians will be given the student’s private Access ID and Access Password, which is necessary to add a student to your account. There may be special circumstances whereby another person is requested by the student’s parents or guardians to be allowed access to a student’s information.
