east ridge high school parent portal

by Miss Myrtis Anderson III 4 min read


PowerSchool is our portal to the most current information about your student. Grades, attendance, bus information and lunch balance are available for review. Parents can also set up automatic email updates to be sent at regular intervals. Access to PowerSchool is available upon request. Please contact your school office for details.

Home Connect

AR Home Connect allows parents to track their students reading goals, quiz results, and progress in the Accelerated Reader system. You will need your child’s AR user name and password to access the site. Only students in 1st through 8th grade have an AR user name and password.

Send Money to School

Send Money To School is a website that gives parents access to view their student’s lunch account balances and recent ala carte lunch and/or breakfast purchases. It also allows parents to make credit card deposits into their student’s account. Access to Send Money To School is available by filling out and submitting the necessary registration form.

Parent Dashboard for School Transparency

A dashboard designed for parents and other caregivers that will report on more than 20 different factors—or measures—that parents and other stakeholders have said are important to them when evaluating the quality of a school. Families and others can use the dashboard to get a more complete picture of how their child’s school is serving students.

Parent Email Lists

Oakridge Public Schools uses the SchoolMessenger system for parent and student notifications. SchoolMessenger uses parent email data we have on record in our student information system. Please make sure to notify your student’s office of any changes to your contact information (phone numbers, email address, etc.)
