east rockford parent portal

by Willa Parker Sr. 4 min read

How has the population at Rockford High School changed?

The population at Rockford High School has grown by four paws…. After over 53 years in public education and 32½ years serving as RPS Superintendent, Dr. Michael Shibler notified the Board of Education in June 2021 of his plan to retire…

How do I access the East Islip Parent Portal?

To access the Parent Portal, please click here. By logging into the East Islip Infinite Campus Parent Portal, the terms stated in the East Islip School District Parent Portal Acceptable Use Policy are considered acknowledged and understood.

What is parent and family programs?

Parent and Family Programs is the office that supports you, as parents and family members of East Carolina University students. You play an important role at ECU and we believe that the more you know about the university, the more you can contribute to your student’s success here, and we want to be your partner in your child’s education.

How do I contact the parent portal help desk?

Parent Portal Help Desk: Email help@eischools.org with any questions or issues regarding the Parent Portal.


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At Rockford Public Schools, we put students first. Our vision is for all 41 schools to provide a first-class public education for Rockford families.

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The 205 VIBE™ is a multimedia platform for firsthand stories from district staff, students and community members who support RPS 205.

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The best part of my days are when I am able to connect with our students. Relationships are key when educating young minds. Students who feel connected to their schools perform at higher academic rates.

What is it like to live in a residence hall?

One of the great things about living in a residence hall is the opportunity to meet new people and learn to live in a social, communal setting. As in any living situation, conflicts can arise over topics like noise levels, guests, cleanliness, food and even personalities. The Residence Life staff is trained in assisting residents in mediating conflicts between roommates and other residents. Our goal is to help your student and other residents learn how to successfully communicate their needs and respect the needs of others. This can take some time and patience. Families can help their students navigate these relationships by supporting and coaching their student in developing their conflict resolution skills by letting them take control of the situation.

What is Rockford University's health service?

Rockford University provides health service to all enrolled students through the Lang Center for Health, Wellness, Counseling, and Disability Support Services. Students can experience a variety of personal, social, academic and relational issues during university that they cannot resolve on their own. Our professional counseling staff is a great resource for students to talk about their concerns.

What is the university experience?

A major part of the university experience is the opportunity and ability for students, residential or commuter, to take part in organized activities. Whether they are involved in a student club/organization, student government, hall council, athletics, service projects, or other programs, there is an unlimited number of opportunities for your student to connect in-class material with their out-of-class experiences. Academics do come first, and so it is important for your student to understand how to manage their time.

What to do before leaving university?

Many students come to university and will begin experimenting with credit cards, student loans and other budgetary items for the first time. Before your student leaves for university, it might be helpful to sit down with them and discuss financial basics and practices including:

Can you drink alcohol at Rockford University?

Some students choose to consume alcohol when they go to the university while others do not. Residents at Rockford University are allowed to consume alcohol in their rooms if they are 21 years of age. It is important that as a parent you are familiar with the alcohol policy so that you can speak with your student about the University’s expectations as well as your own. Rockford University offers alternative on-campus activities almost every weekend for all students that are alcohol-free. There are also plenty of students in the residence halls who choose not to consume alcohol.

Is Rockford University considered an adult?

From the moment students enroll at Rock ford University, they are considered an adult. It is their responsibility to take care of their bills, go to class, and follow through on expectations and requirements including the Academic Honor Code and Student Code of Conduct. As much as we want to partner with you for your student’s success, there are some times when we will not be able to tell you everything. Your student’s educational record is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which sets pretty strict parameters for Colleges and Universities. Please refer to the United States Department of Education FERPA link for more information at http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html.

Parent Involvement

Parents can play many roles in sport: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents at socializing sports.


Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Rockford Elite Basketball experience during each sporting season.


Keep connected to your team (s). Get schedules and team updates for every athlete in the house, plus a way to message other members on your team and a way to give coaches a heads up about practice. Enjoy unlimited access to scores & stats, photo/video sharing, and more.


In many instances, more than one parent or guardian needs to be in the loop with a child's sports life. Using the mobile app, you can add additional guardians to an account. Guardians can 1) View games and events 2) RSVP to games and events 3) Send and receive messages to coaches and team members 4) participate in team chat
