eastern christian parent portal

by Miss Layla Leffler 3 min read

Welcome, Kate Schneider!

Kate SchneiderFoundation Office Coordinator Please tell us about yourselfI grew up and still currently live in Hawthorne, NJ. I enjoy spending time outside (hiking, kayaking, walking, reading in my hammock), spending time with friends, reading, serving at church.

Welcome, Maura Byrnes!

Maura Byrnes joined the EC team as the Director of Major and Planned Gifts for Eastern Christian School. In this…

New Field – Groundbreaking Event!

We have some very exciting news to share: a brand new athletic facility is coming to EC! Eastern Christian High…

EC 101: Leadership- Board of Directors

School Governance Via Association Eastern Christian School has hundreds of prospective families that visit our campuses each year. As we…

EC Bowling Team Rolls to Passaic County Championship!

Last week, the Eagles bowling team captured their first ever Passaic County Bowling Championship, holding off West Milford and a…

ES Principal Mrs. Bottge Featured On Mom & I Korean American Program

EC's own Preschool & Elementary School was recently Mom & I is a Korean American publication primarily for the Korean…

EC 101: Academic Excellence

Academic excellence has always been a hallmark of Eastern Christian School. We have an academic model that supports our mission…

How to contact Eastern Connecticut University?

If you have further questions that are not answered on this page, please email admissions@easternct.edu, call (860) 465-5286 or text us at (860) 606-3688.

What classes do you need to take at Eastern University?

At Eastern, all students must complete a College level math course and a College writing course within their first year. In order to determine placement in either course, students can: - Submit their SAT or ACT scores to Eastern.

When is the last day to sign up for a 2021 payment plan?

Wednesday, June 30, 2021. Last day to sign up for a Payment Plan that is 5 installments. If you register for a Payment Plan after July 1, you will have 4 installments. Saturday, July 31, 2021. Payment is due in full for Fall 2021 semester, unless you have signed up for a Payment Plan. Late August 2021.

When is Virtual Panel 2021?

Click here to register for the morning session, or click here to register for the afternoon session. Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Virtual Panel event for Parents/Guardians of accepted students (April 13 at 4pm-5pm). Our Provost, Admissions staff, and current students are ready to answer your questions! Click here to register.

Is Spring 2021 online?

Currently in the spring 2021 semester, students are living on campus and attending class in a variety of modalities. Approximately 65% of classes are hybrid (with an in-person component) and 35% are fully online for students who prefer that modality.
