eastside high school parent portal

by Virginia Blanda 5 min read

Who is the Eastside High School teacher of the year?

Congratulations to Eastside High School’s Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Audrey Bass! Mrs. Bass has been teaching orchestra at Eastside for 4 years, has been over student council for 3 years and has raised over $300,000 for local charities during this time! Audition for Grease! Auditions for our Spring Musical - GREASE - begin Jan 3!

What is the Eastside tutoring program?

What: Eastside tutoring program allows students to receive academic assistance from teachers in English, math, science, social studies, Spanish, and health science, as well as complete makeup work. Students will be allowed to enter classrooms for tutoring from 7:30-8:15 and 3:50-4:50.

When is Casino Night at Eastside athletic booster?

Eastside Athletic Booster Club presents Casino Night Saturday, January 29th! See the flyer for full information! Underclassmen! Interested in running for Student Government for the 22-23 school year? There will be an interest meeting after school on Wednesday, January 5th in the band room (FA 101). All are welcome!


Google Classroom

Students: Access class assignments and announcements, contact your teachers or counselors, and stay on top of due dates.

Powerschool Support

Access student grades, contact teachers and counselors, get tutoring help, and find digital textbooks and resources, including Google apps all from one place.

Digital Resources

Simply log in to PowerSchool with your student log in to access digital textbooks and the following resources.

Common Questions

Find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, along with tutorials and how to contact teachers and staff.


If you would like more information about COVID-19 protocols via Greenville County School District, including at-home testing, please check go to the GCSD Return to School site:

Congratulations EHS Theatre

Congratulations to our Theatre Honors and Tech students on wining the title of "Superior" at the Greenville County Theatre Festival this past weekend.

Congratulations Fine Arts Students

Congratulations to the following Eastside students who attend the Fine Arts Center for winning a Scholastic Art and Writing Award. For more information on this award and the students honored, please visit the Fine Arts Center website.

Congratulations Beta Club!

Congratulations to the Eastside High Beta Club and all of their success this past weekend at the Beta State Convention. Please click below to celebrate all of their accomplishments!

Parents: Sign Up to Help!

Help us show our appreciation to EHS Teachers and Staff this month by providing a delicious breakfast bar for lunch. Please use the link below. We appreciate your kind and generous support.

Miss Aurea Aquila Pageant Tickets

Tickets are now on sale for the annual Miss Aurea Aquila Pageant! Tickets are $10 each on GoFan. NO TICKETS will be sold at the door. The pageant is Saturday, February 12th at 7pm in the auditorium.

Dual Credit Personal Finance

Are you a rising junior or senior interested in earning college credit? Want a class that only meets twice a week? Take Dual Credit Personal Finance with Mr. Robbins! For questions, see Mr. Robbins in Room 134 or ask your counselor.
