ecp parent portal

by Leonel Boyer 3 min read

How do I add students to my parent and family portal?

You can add each student in your Parent and Family Portal account by clicking the graduation cap icon and selecting “Go to my connections.” Once on the connections page, fill out a connection request for your first student. Once completed, click the plus sign next to your student’s name at the top.

How do I create a ycpweb account for a parent?

YCPWeb For Parents 1 The student must create an account by entering the parent's email address. The student then authorizes the page that a... 2 The parent, after receiving the email, will use the Initial Login URL and the one-time Action Password provided to... 3 Please visit Overview of Parent Proxy for complete instructions. More ...

When are grades updated on the ECU parent and family portal?

Faculty submit final grades to the Registrar’s Office by the date identified on the Academic Calendar. Grades/GPA are updated on the portal between 2 to 3 days after being submitted by Faculty. Where can I get more details on my student’s financial information listed on my ECU Parent and Family Portal account?

How do parents/family members access TouchNet?

To access TouchNet, your student must grant you as an authorized user. As an authorized user, parents/family members will receive email notifications of new billing statements, view and print billing statements, make online payments, and gain access to the eBill system by logging into TouchNet.

What age does FERPA give parents rights?

Does York College notify parents of grades?

About this website


Login | The York College Family Portal

A new way to stay involved with your York College student. Access for the York College Family Portal sponsored by the Office of Communications

YCPWeb - York College of Pennsylvania

Select Faculty & Advisors > Summary Class List.. Select a Term, then Submit.. Select your course CRN, then Submit.. For each student, select from the Grade column.. Don't enter anything in the Attend Hours column.. You must enter a Last Attend Date for students who receive grades of 0, F, or INC.. If a student never attended class, enter the first date of the semester.

MyYCP - York College of Pennsylvania

When you visit, these are the applications you may see, depending on your roll.. Note: If any applications aren't working properly, check the apps' status or contact us.

York College of Pennsylvania | From Day One

York College of Pennsylvania, a private, coeducational, 4-year college, offers more than 50 undergraduate majors and graduate programs in business, education and nursing.


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Award-Winning Curriculum

Our curriculum, winner of the Early Childhood News Award and recipient of Director’s Choice Recognition, includes instruction in yoga, fitness, and music!

Communication with Families

We use electronic media to provide state of the art communications. Each classroom has an iPad with an app called Tadpoles allowing teachers to create daily reports for every child!

Health & Wellness

All of our locations employ The ZONO system which is radically different from any other sanitizing solution available. It uses ozone and a small amount of water to kill 99.9% of bacteria and 99.9% of viruses on materials placed inside it.


Any concern about a child care center we had has become a distant memory thanks to EPC.

What age does FERPA give parents rights?

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.

Does York College notify parents of grades?

While York College will not notify parents or legal guardians of student grades, academic actions, and financial matters or conduct violations, students are encouraged to disclose such issues in a timely manner. Students may opt to issue on-line proxy access to their educational and financial records. YCPWeb for Parents.

What age does FERPA give parents rights?

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.

Does York College notify parents of grades?

While York College will not notify parents or legal guardians of student grades, academic actions, and financial matters or conduct violations, students are encouraged to disclose such issues in a timely manner. Students may opt to issue on-line proxy access to their educational and financial records. YCPWeb for Parents.
