eden autism parent portal

by Dr. Agnes Bailey DVM 9 min read

What is Eden autism services?

Unique among our peers, Eden provides a lifetime of support—from the point of diagnosis through the school years and into adulthood. We are a community of children and adults with autism, teachers, job coaches, direct care-givers, parents, guardians, and friends—a diverse group of people with a passion for Eden and all that we accomplish together.

What is the Eden School?

The Eden School provides year-round educational services for children and adolescents with autism, ages 3-21. With a commitment to excellence in autism education, we have more than 40 years of clinical experience and success in educating individuals with autism. Eden is a NJ state licensed, approved private school for children with disabilities.

What is the Eden Central School District Parent Portal?

Eden Central School District understands that parental access to information is a critical link in guiding and supporting students. The Eden CSD Parent Portal is designed to help you stay up-to-date with your student's academic progress. In this secure site, confidential information about your student is just a click away.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

Only Parent Portal accounts have the ability to change contact information. There will be information sessions for parents at the GLP and Eden Elementary schools' Parent Information Nights. The goal of the Portal for parents is to create a better partnership and dialogue between Eden Central School District, parents and teachers.


What do Eden students do?

Our students also participate in community activities that combine learning and giving. Collecting canned goods for a holiday food drive, gathering Toys for Tots and making Valentines for patients at a nearby medical center are among the ways Eden students learn to contribute to their communities.

How does Eden School work?

At the start of the school year, each student’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP) is reviewed and revised , in cooperation with parents and sending school district child study teams, to incorporate specific and individual program goals for the year ahead.

What is Eden's classroom?

Eden’s classrooms are staffed by one or more certified special education teachers, teaching assistants and ancillary staff, dependent upon the number of students in the classroom. Ancillary staff includes certified speech pathologists, adaptive physical education teachers, a certified counselor and school nurses.

What is Eden home support?

For home support, experienced Eden staff are assigned to families as consultants, meeting monthly or as needed in the home to establish effective routines and work on specific, mutually agreed-upon goals. School visits for parents, siblings and members of the child’s extended family are scheduled throughout the year, and parent and sibling support groups are also offered.

What is a student outing?

Student outings range from shopping trips to purchase classroom items, grocery shopping, ordering meals in a restaurant or movie trips. The focus of all community outings is for students to practice the skills acquired within their classrooms into a variety of community settings.

How to use Eden CSD?

To use the Eden CSD Parent Portal, you need a computer with Internet access. The Eden CSD Parent Portal is available to every parent/legal guardian who has a child enrolled in the Eden Central School District and is listed as the parent or legal guardian on the student's enrollment records.

What is the phone number for Eden Central School District?

Parents if after trying the system retrieval you continue to have issues please call the Tech Support department at (716) 992-3616 or emailing: TechSupportTeam@edencsd.org. Lucinda Karstedt. Director of IT, Enrollment and CIO. Data Protection Officer. Eden Central School District. 3150 Schoolview Road.

Can you change your contact information on the Parent Portal?

Please note that each student also has an account in the Parent Portal, although student accounts do not have access to updating demographic information. Only Parent Portal accounts have the ability to change contact information.

Is the Parent Portal password protected?

To ensure privacy, parents' and students' access to the Parent Portal is password protected and linked only to their account. All data exchanged between the Parent Portal system and the parent's computer is encrypted to further protect the data and ensure privacy. For more information on the icons in the Parent Portal, please click this link.

What is Eden Autism?

Eden Autism specializes in treating and supporting children and adults with autism who have the most complex cognitive and behavioral challenges. For information on how to access services for The Eden School and Eden Adult Services, start here!

Is Eden School a first come first served school?

Admission to the Eden School is made possible as vacancies arise in particular age groups and classrooms rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. Many factors including diagnosis, the needs of the referred child, and funding go into the decision around enrolling a new student.

What is the Eden Family of Services?

The mission of the Eden Family of Services is to improve the lives of children and adults with autism and their families by providing a range of community-based services to meet specific needs throughout the lifespan.

When was Eden founded?

Eden, a New Jersey-based nonprofit organization, was founded in 1975 with a mission to improve the lives of children and adults with autism and their families.
