eden central school district parent portal

by Grayce Lueilwitz 8 min read

What is the Eden CSD Parent Portal?

The Eden CSD Parent Portal is designed to help you stay up-to-date with your student's academic progress. In this secure site, confidential information about your student is just a click away. Parent Portal is a tool that is integrated into the PowerSchool© Student Information System (SIS) that is specifically developed for parents and students.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

Only Parent Portal accounts have the ability to change contact information. There will be information sessions for parents at the GLP and Eden Elementary schools' Parent Information Nights. The goal of the Portal for parents is to create a better partnership and dialogue between Eden Central School District, parents and teachers.

How do I contact the parent helpdesk?

You can email the Parent Helpdesk at helpline@edenpr.org or call the Parent Helpline at (952)975-7094.


Eden Central School District

Information regarding registration, documentation, address changes and early intervention can be found on the menu on the left hand side.


Links to on-line registration are on the left side of this page. If you have questions, please email central registration at registrar@edencsd.org or call Laurie Gregory, Director of Educational Services, at (716) 992-3630.

Records Release Affidavit

This form must be signed by all parents or guardians of students transferring from another school district to Eden Central School District with a Notary Public. Then upload into your registration file.

EdenCSD Proof of Residency Affidavit

This form must be completed by parents or guardians of all students registering for school.

Health History

This form must be completed by parents or guardians of all new students.

Athletes Transferring to Eden CSD

This form must be completed by parents or guardians of any student athlete in grades 9-12 transferring to EdenCSD and wish to continue to play a sport they are currently participating in at the school they are transferring from. Any questions please contact the EdenCSD Athletic Director at (716) 992-3643
