edufix com parent portal

by Jacinto Legros 9 min read

How do I register on QFIX?

Add yourself for direct paymentFirst Name * Please enter valid first name.Last Name * Please enter valid surname.Mobile Number * Mobile Number is not valid.Email Id * Email id is not valid.Father Name. Please enter valid father name.Mother Name. Please enter valid mother name.Parent Contact Number. ... Parent Email Id.More items...

How do I log into my QFIX account?

Primary tabs Enter your Qfix username. Enter the password that accompanies your username. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

How do I download a payment receipt from QFIX?

Downloading Receipt from Web Portal Enter in your web browser. Under Login kindly select Student / Parent. Enter your Username. Enter your Password. Click on “Make the Payment” Select “Download Receipt”

How do I pay fees in Eduqfix com?

Select the institute and branch.Enter the details asked i.e Registration Code/Mobile Number/Email Address.Select the fees to be paid and click on Submit.Confirm the details on Payment summary page and then click on proceed.Select your payment options such as Debit card / Credit card / Net Banking.More items...

What is the meaning of QFIX?

Qfix is a one stop solution for the educational institutes for 360° management of all their work flows & stakeholders.

How can I pay my school fees online?

Few steps to pay your fees within 5 minutesGo to ... Select your institute location and then institute name.Enter your relevant details (institute's Area, Enrollment number, etc.)Now, click on 'Proceed' to review the details like name, class, fee amount etc.Click on 'Proceed to pay'.More items...

Can I pay college fees by credit card?

It may come as a surprise, but you can charge tuition on a credit card. About 85% of public and private colleges in the U.S. accept credit cards for tuition.

Travel Frenziness travel is fun! But there is lot to prepare. A lot of students made lists and took suggestions on what to carry and what not! It is good to be aware. Read Now

Make New Friends!

Why wait till you reach college to make friends when you know who will go there! Find roommates, figure out housing options. Let the parties and fun begin now! The more the merrier. Read Now

Internships & Career

Stay in touch with seniors and guide future Edulixians. Networking and good will is the best way to know about many opportunities out there in the wild. Read Now

Money is not our motto

We went through what you are going through and desperately needed someone to help us genuinely. Hence we started this platform so that students like you and us can share what we know and help each other. Some times there is no better person to talk to than some who is in the very boat. Collaboration is the best way to evolve!

Our data is our wealth

We collect data from students like you and us. Students voluntarily share their information and we provide statistics which can help you get a general opinion.

Organized Information

10 students can be wrong. NOT 280,000+ and counting students. We understand that everyone is not genuine and hence we filter data with a lot of checks and give statistical information rather than pin pointed opinions.

End to end free service

We run ads to recover our server costs and tie up with service providers to get offers for our students. That is our source of income. We are not biased to anyone. So people trust us.

Parents and Caregivers: Need help with your Parent Portal app?

Tell us why you need Parent Portal at your school district. We'll start the conversation with Transportation on your behalf.

Where's My Bus?

Allow parents to follow their bus on a real-time map and stay up-to-date with notifications when that bus nears the bus stop or a custom alert zone.

Transportation Lookup

Within the same application, parents will have access to information for each of their children through one secure login.

Providing Critical Data to Parents

Parents want on-demand access to transportation information —and we give you the key to doing just that, effortlessly, reliably, and accurately.

Give Your Community What it Asks For

Just having GPS is not enough to meet the demands of modern school transportation—you must have a way to broadcast this information in real-time to parents.
