edutracker parent portal

by Prof. Zella Heidenreich V 7 min read

What is an ascender Parent Portal account?

Having a Ascender Parent Portal account will allow you to set alerts to grades and attendance, get a PDF version of report cards and progress reports, and complete district registration forms. Instructions are available below on how to create a new Ascender account if you do not already have one.

What is the NYC schools account portal (NYCSA)?

There is a new way for you to stay connected to your student’s education and more in the new NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal. One sign-in will allow you to: See your students grades, test scores and more in My Student

What is the Microsoft Education Training tracker?

The Microsoft Education Training Tracker enables Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Trainers to track their impact by capturing their reach and training topics they focus on within their trainings. Trainers using this tool include the Global Training Partners, Showcase Schools, Microsoft Stores, Independent Trainers and Microsoft Field roles.

How do I track my Student’s progress?

In MyStudent, you can track your student’s academic progress. View their grades, schedule, test scores, transportation, attendance, and more! If your student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), you can view their student’s recommended services. You must be linked to a student in order to view this information.


Parents and Caregivers: Need help with your Parent Portal app?

Tell us why you need Parent Portal at your school district. We'll start the conversation with Transportation on your behalf.

Where's My Bus?

Allow parents to follow their bus on a real-time map and stay up-to-date with notifications when that bus nears the bus stop or a custom alert zone.

Transportation Lookup

Within the same application, parents will have access to information for each of their children through one secure login.

Providing Critical Data to Parents

Parents want on-demand access to transportation information —and we give you the key to doing just that, effortlessly, reliably, and accurately.

Give Your Community What it Asks For

Just having GPS is not enough to meet the demands of modern school transportation—you must have a way to broadcast this information in real-time to parents.

Can you see your child's info on NYCSA?

You can invite other adults—like relatives or a tutor—to see information about your child on NYCSA. Some of the information on NYCSA is private, so be careful about who you invite.

Can custodial users see information?

Custodial users can see all information available about a child in your NYCSA account. Parents have this level when they register an account. Noncustodial users can only see part of the information available. Additional users can only see information the custodial user lets you see.
