effingham county schools parent portal district id

by Tiana Reilly 7 min read

How do I obtain login information as a parent/guardian of a student?

Please refer to the Campus Parent & Campus Student Accounts worksheet (given at the time of registration) for your login information. For parents of current students who wish to obtain login information, please call any Effingham County School at which you have child (ren) enrolled and ask to speak to the data clerk about setting up your account.

How do I access the parent portal?

To access the Parent Portal please click on the link. The Parent Portal is an online way for parents to check their child's current grades, attendance, missing assignments, and upcoming projects. If you do not have a Parent Portal Log In Account please visit our school's Data Clerk, Gwendolyn Gracen, to have your account created.

What is the difference between the parent portal and student portal?

The Parent Portal has access to information for all students within the household whereas the Student Portal only shows information relevant for that particular student's login information. It is highly recommended that students do not use their parents’ accounts for accessing portal information.


Application Submissions

Our office is conducting student registrations by asking parents to complete an online application and upload documents either directly to the application, or using our CRC Documents Upload Form.

Before you begin

Before you begin the online application process, please digitize all required and additional documents so that they can be uploaded to your application.


In most cases, registrations can be completed without an in-person appointment. To help the process move more quickly, we encourage parents to use the options provided for uploading documents. If you have difficulty with any of these tools you can call or email Central Registration for alternative options.

Registration Requirements

View/print this document to ensure that you bring all required paperwork to your appointment.

Pre-K Required Documents

Parents registering for the 2022-23 Bright from the Start Pre-K Lottery should use this as a checklist for required registration documents.

Change of Address

This form may be submitted via email to registration@effingham.k12.ga.us. Be sure to attach a current utility bill showing the updated service address and a photo or scan of the registering parent's driver's license or photo ID.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section has information on the Campus Parent/Student tools that can be used to access grades, attendance, and assignments.
