effingham unit 40 parent portal

by Kacey Feest 9 min read

How do I obtain login information as a parent/guardian of a student?

Please refer to the Campus Parent & Campus Student Accounts worksheet (given at the time of registration) for your login information. For parents of current students who wish to obtain login information, please call any Effingham County School at which you have child (ren) enrolled and ask to speak to the data clerk about setting up your account.

How do I access the parent portal?

To access the Parent Portal please click on the link. The Parent Portal is an online way for parents to check their child's current grades, attendance, missing assignments, and upcoming projects. If you do not have a Parent Portal Log In Account please visit our school's Data Clerk, Gwendolyn Gracen, to have your account created.

What is the difference between the parent portal and student portal?

The Parent Portal has access to information for all students within the household whereas the Student Portal only shows information relevant for that particular student's login information. It is highly recommended that students do not use their parents’ accounts for accessing portal information.

When will the new parent portal be available for registration?

Registration fees for all students grades K-12 will be available in the new parent portal within 2 weeks of school starting. Beginning this year, you will be able to pay for your registration fees in the same place where you complete registration.


Welcome to Effingham High School!

Welcome to Effingham High School Effingham High School is a learning environment that differs from other high schools. We are engrossed every day in innovation, excitement, energy, and celebration. From the classroom to the theatre to the athletic fields, the staff and students are on fire for their school and community.

EHS News

We would like to congratulate the following students for their pursuit of academic excellence for the 2nd quarter.

Test Prep

Effingham High School and Effingham Unit #40 are excited to offer to all Effingham High School students a free ACT/SAT Preparation service.
