efs daymap parent portal

by Ms. Liza Mayert 8 min read

What is daymap connect-Parent Portal?

EFS 7-12 currently use a daily management system called Daymap for student attendance and assessment. With the changes to the reporting format, this information is now available to parents via ‘Daymap Connect - Parent Portal’.

Where can I find the new report cards for EFS 7-12?

These report cards are available for download from Daymap. EFS 7-12 currently use a daily management system called Daymap for student attendance and assessment. With the changes to the reporting format, this information is now available to parents via ‘Daymap Connect - Parent Portal’.

What is daymap and how does it work?

DayMap, a system Eastern Fleurieu School 7-12 Campus has adopted for recording attendance and Learner Management (reports, assessment, homework, lesson plans and class notes) and is available to students and parents/caregivers. Students Students can log in to DayMap at school and at home.

What will happen to daymap after the semester?

The same system (DayMap) will provide attendance data and parent-school communication including: notices, homework, course & assessment details. We will still provide end-of-term or end-of-semester report cards which will compile the results from throughout the term/ semester.


What is Daymap for students?

Daymap is where students can view assessment tasks, lesson plans, homework and results that teachers have published including mid-term and end of term reports.

What is DayMap in Fleurieu?

DayMap, a system Eastern Fleurieu School 7-12 Campus has adopted for recording attendance and Learner Management (reports, assessment, homework, lesson plans and class notes) and is available to students and parents/caregivers.

Where is the student code on a school ID card?

The student code can be found on the Student ID card that is issued to students at the start of the school year. It is also located on the School Fee invoice that is mailed out prior to the school year starting. Once you have clicked the Reset Password button, an email will be sent to the email entered. See step 1.

What is EFS 7-12?

EFS 7-12 currently use a daily management system called Daymap for student attendance and assessment. With the changes to the reporting format, this information is now available to parents via ‘Daymap Connect - Parent Portal’.

What is continuous reporting in Eastern Fleurieu?

Eastern Fleurieu School 7-12 Campus has moved to a 'Continuous Reporting Model' to provide more regular and more relevant feedback to students and families. Instead of a generic end of term comments, Continuous Reporting allows teachers to provide results and feedback for individual assignments as they are assessed. This systems allows students to track their own learning, and will enable leaders to target intervention. The data is securely stored on the school's network, and can be accessed via the internet using a computer, tablet or smart phone.
