eic parent portal

by Al Kemmer 8 min read

How do I login to the EIC portal?

Click on the Campus Portal that you attend 2. The link takes you to “Student Login” 3. If you haven’t registered yet, click “register” to register yourself to be able to access the “My EIC Portal” service.

What is my e-mail address and login details for eicollege?

Your e-mail address will be firstname.lastname@eicollege.edu You will receive login details from the Registrar/ Human Resources as part of your orientation.

How do parental controls work with Epic Games?

Our parental controls help you manage: Your child’s access to social features and purchasing within games owned and operated by Epic, including Fortnite, Fall Guys, and Rocket League. Which games your child can get in the Epic Games Store.


For EIC Students, Faculty and Administration

To access your email, click EIC Login to login to your Eastern International College Google Suite Mailbox. We recommend you use Google Chrome as your browser.

New Users

Your e-mail address will be firstname.lastname@eicollege.edu You will receive login details from the Registrar/ Human Resources as part of your orientation.

Forgot My password

If you have forgotten your password and have been unable to reset with Google’s forgot password link, contact support@eicollege.edu We recommend you add a recovery email to your Google Suite account to allow you to use Google’s recover password option.

Coronavirus Updates

The IRS has established a special section focused on steps to help taxpayers, businesses and other affected by the coronavirus on IRS.gov.

What Can We Help You Find?

Hot Topics --Watch this page for all the latest news on the Due Diligence requirements for the EITC, CTC/ACTC/ODC, AOTC and HOH filing status.


Refundable Credit Outreach - All the resources you need to help promote EITC and EITC Awareness Day in one central location.
