elc manatee parent portal

by Miss Luna Reilly Jr. 8 min read

How do I sign a school readiness contract in Manatee County?

To sign a School Readiness Contract and /or VPK Contract in Manatee County, please contact the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County's Provider Relations Department at (941) 757-2900, ext. 2300. VPK Substitute Instruction Tracking Sheet:

How do I contact the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County?

If you are interested in this free resource, please contact our CCR&R team at 941-757-2900 ext. 2200 or familyservices@elc-manatee.org. The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County supports potential and current providers.

How do I find a childcare provider in Manatee County?

The Early Learning Coalition maintains a database of all Manatee County childcare providers. Families who contact us for provider information are given child care referrals that are customized to the criteria they submit.

Where can I find information about early learning programs in Florida?

WELCOME TO FLORIDA'S EARLY LEARNING FAMILY PORTAL You will find information here about Florida’s early learning programs. You can also apply for School Readiness (child care assistance) and Voluntary Prekindergarten Education services online by clicking on an Apply forbutton below. Resource & Referral


What is the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County?

The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County's Inclusion Specialist is able to connect families and providers with local resources and help ensure the child is in the least restrictive, and most appropriate environment. The Coalition makes available services to child care providers to enhance...

What is the Early Learning Coalition?

The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County offers a variety of programs to help with early detection of physical or learning challenges in a child's life. If any concerns are found, we promote understanding between parents and providers of the condition and propose a course of action to best address...

How old do you have to be to get school readiness funding?

Children are eligible from birth through 12 years of age. If you and your family meet the below eligibility criteria, you may qualify for child care...
