elder parent portal

by Rowena Emmerich 5 min read

What is the provider web portal for health care providers?

We’ve developed a Provider Web Portal to better serve health care providers. For participating providers, some of the most common inquiries-including member eligibility and claims details-now can be done online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The portal offers other important resources, such as formularies, member eligibility and more!

What makes Elder High School unique?

We are a comprehensive, college-prep Catholic high school that offers a place for all students to express their individuality and make their high school experience unique. Elder is proud to offer a wide range of curricular offerings which challenge and nurture the interests of all students.

Why choose Elderplan’s provider services?

Eliminating referral requirements for routine, medically necessary services provided by participating specialists Elderplan’s provider services has made it easier for patients to follow your prescribed care. Our care managers work with members with advanced chronic conditions and their doctors and nurses.

What kind of Education does Box Elder offer?

At the secondary levels, we offer continued expansion of our Career and Technical Education, Dual-Enrollment, Fine Arts and Robotics programs. Serving students in the Box Elder community since 1891 and Ellsworth Air Force Base since 1942.


Late Start

Due to forecasted snowfall combined with dangerously cold temperatures, the Douglas School District will have a two-hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday February 22nd. There will be no breakfast or morning preschool. This delayed start will give snow removal crews an opportunity to sand and clear the roads.

Free at-home COVID-19 Test Kits Available

Beginning Wednesday, February 16 free take-home COVID-19 rapid test kits will be available to any DSD staff member, parent or guardian who would like one.
