elmira heights parent portal

by Mr. Mohammad Wisoky 3 min read

What is the Elmira City School Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal is a module of the Schooltool student information system used by the Elmira City School District, and it allows parents and legal guardians to view their child's class schedule, grades, assignments, attendance record, discipline history, and contact information from nearly any device that can access the Internet.

What is the SchoolTool Parent Portal?

The Schooltool Parent Portal is one of many ways to keep in touch with your child's academic progress, and is available to all parents in the Elmira City School District.

Why choose Elmira gymnastics club?

Elmira Gymnastics Club competitive team members have captured 64 individual and 22 team NY State Championship Titles. EGC offers Birthday Parties for ages 1+. Party types include: Gymnastics, Warrior Training, Nerf, Ludosport & Among Us. EGC Parent Portal allows parents to register for classes and camps, make payments and more.

How do I register for a Parent Portal account?

Registration for a parent portal account requires: Return this form to your child's school. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing. *Note: You only need to complete one registration form to view all children registered in your care.


A Message From Our Superintendent

On behalf of the Elmira Heights Central School District I would like to welcome you to our website. I hope that you find the information contained here both informative and helpful.

Exit Outcomes

Apply knowledge The graduate will demonstrate the knowledge and attitudes to apply academic and technical skills and critical thinking and problem-solving processes in their personal and vocational lives.
