elmont public schools parent portal

by Ivory Walker 6 min read

What is the Belmont Special Education Advisory Council?

The Belmont Special Education Advisory Council welcomes parents with similar interests. In addition, parents are involved in the review of curriculum and are often asked to serve on a curriculum steering committee. For more information visit the Parent Teacher Organizations and Advisory Councils page.

How many students does Belmont typically host?

Belmont typically hosts 125 students as part of the METCO program. This program fosters a broader educational and social experience for both suburban and urban children and their families. For more information about the program visit METCO website here.

How many schools are in Belmont County public schools?

Belmont has an outstanding public school system. Our system consists of six schools: four elementary schools, kindergarten through grade 4, Burbank School, Butler School, Wellington School, and Winn Brook School; the Chenery Middle School, grades 5 through 8; and Belmont High School, grades 9 through 12. The system enrolls more than 4600 students.

What summer programs does Belmont public schools offer?

The Belmont Public Schools offer a summer enrichment program for preschoolers through grade six. Program topics include arts and crafts, theatre, computers, and sports. Courses are held at the Chenery Middle School and run for one to four weeks during July.


Health & Safety Protocols

Social distancing will be implemented in all areas throughout the building.

Gotham Fourth Graders Display Math Skills in Weekly Competition

Each Friday afternoon, the fourth grade classrooms at Gotham Avenue School are abuzz with energy as the students compete in a math competition using the Blooket app, a web-based game platform that allows for solo or group competition. Utilizing their district-provided iPads, students answer math questions as quickly as possible to gain gold and advance in the ranks.

Drone Club Debuts this School Year

Gotham Avenue School piloted a new, seven-week Drone Club to approximately 30 fifth and sixth grade students this school year. It is the first Drone Club offered in the Elmont Union Free School District.

What is the eSchoolData Parent Portal?

The eSchoolData Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which parents and guardians can view details of their student’s school records.

What do I need to access the Parent Portal?

To access the Parent Portal, you need a device with an internet connection. For the best browsing experience, we recommend Safari 5.0, Google Chrome 27, or Internet Explorer 11, or later.

How do I register for a Parent Portal account?

Once the Parent Portal has been enabled, your school district will communicate registration instructions.

What if I forget my password?

If you forget or misplace your password, navigate to the Parent Portal login page and click the “Forgot Password?” option. You will be prompted to enter the user ID or email associated with the account. Once submitted, you will receive an email containing a link to reset your password.

What if I do not receive an email to reset my password?

Check your spam folder to ensure that the email was not improperly filtered from your inbox. If so, be sure to add the Parent Portal email address to your address book. This will ensure that future emails from the Parent Portal will be properly received.

How can I change the email address associated with my Parent Portal account?

The email address associated with your account can be changed by clicking on the “My Account” icon on your personal home page. From there, select the “Update Account Info” tab and enter your new email address in the corresponding field.

Who is eligible to register for a Parent Portal account?

Only those parents and guardians of currently enrolled students who are designated to receive correspondence are eligible to register for an eSchoolData Parent Portal account.

What is community education in Belmont?

The Community Education Office, through the Belmont Schools, offers residents the opportunity to partake in a variety of educational, enrichment, and life skills courses . These courses are offered each semester and include day and evening programs to accommodate a wide range of participants. Courses vary from term to term. The instructors come from Belmont and surrounding communities.

What are the PTOs in Belmont?

The PTOs sponsor a wide variety of programs and events at each school, including the Kindergarten Extended Day programs, the After School programs, and Arts and Enrichment programs to supplement the curriculum at all grade levels. Each school also has a School Advisory Council comprised of the school principal, teachers, parents, and community representatives. The role of the Council is to assist the principal in identifying the educational needs of students, adopting educational goals for the school, reviewing the annual budget, and developing the annual School Improvement Plan. These plans guide the school administration, staff, volunteers, and parent community in working toward achieving a set of mutually-agreed upon goals. The Belmont Special Education Advisory Council welcomes parents with similar interests. In addition, parents are involved in the review of curriculum and are often asked to serve on a curriculum steering committee.

What is the Belmont summer program?

Program topics include arts and crafts, theatre, computers, and sports. Courses are held at the Chenery Middle School and run for one to four weeks during July. More information about Summer program is available here.

What are some volunteer opportunities in schools?

There are many volunteer opportunities in the schools: assisting students with computer use, working in the library media center; sharing travel experiences or speaking about one’s career. Parents who are interested and available should let their principal know.


Exceptions to Zoned Schools

Parent Notification System - Connect-Ed

  • Designed to provide parents with telephone notifications of important events and information. This automated system has the capability of reaching out to each student’s family in a matter of minutes for notifications ranging from school closings to important school events. In order to receive important phone calls regarding emergency notifications ...
See more on elmontschools.org

Release of Children from School

  • A child may not be taken from school, even by a parent or guardian, until the person doing so goes to the main office and presents valid identification. If the child is to be picked up by someone other than the parent or guardian, prior authorization must be received from the parent or guardian.
See more on elmontschools.org

Student Attendance

  • Parents are requested to call their schools to report student absences as early as possible. This facilitates the checking of student attendance and verifies that the child will not be in school. To report absences, call the appropriate school nurse's office listed below: The nurse will call home when a student is absent and no reason is known. A student absence must be followed by a writ…
See more on elmontschools.org