elms school parent portal

by Devin Hills 3 min read

Is Elms School open?

COVID UPDATE: 4th January Elms School is open, we will keep you updated about the staffing situation both in School and with the Transport Team. Should any student groups be required to remain at home to work we will contact you as soon as we are able to via ParentMail, Website, Facebook, or Twitter.

Where can I find letters to parents in the parent portal?

Please be advised all letters to parents will appear on the Parent Portal only and not on the website. Once logged in, the letters can be found in the ‘School information / parent letters and documents’ section. The launch of the Parent App has enabled easier navigation of the Parent Portal when using a mobile.

Why choose the ELMS for your child?

Our children are encouraged to aim to be the best they can be and to test themselves. The ‘can do’ attitude is inbuilt in children who are at The Elms. Character is forged in the furnace of failure; our children are not afraid of it as they understand that we learn most when things go wrong. We encourage each other and revel in each other’s joy.


What makes The Elms special?

We have a genuine investment in childhood where the wellbeing of the children is central to everything we do. We celebrate their diversity and provide a truly inspirational start in life. Due to the size and nature of the school we enjoy the extended family feeling and the small class sizes allow us to provide a tailored experience for every child.

Meet the pupils

In this film, last year’s Head boy and Head girl will give you an idea of what being at The Elms is like and what they love most about their wonderful school.

News & Events

A huge congratulations to the following for achieving the following scholarships for September 2022: Evie A – Drama Exhibition…

Alumni Community

We aim to develop and foster a lifelong relationship between the School and its past pupils and staff.
