elmwood park parent portal

by Raven Denesik V 9 min read

How to contact Elmwood Elementary School?

Contact Elmwood Elementary Elmwood Elementary School Grades K-5 2319 North 76th Avenue Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707 Phone:708-452-3558 Fax: 708-452-5567

Where are the schools in Elmwood Park IL?

Visit Elmwood Elm Elm Middle School Grades 6-8 7607 W. Cortland St. Elmwood Park, IL 60707 Phone: 708-452-3550 Visit Elm EPHS Elmwood Park High School Grades 9-12

How do I contact Elmwood Patt?

Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707 Phone:708-452-3558 Fax: 708-452-5567 Email:ewinfo@epcusd401.org Twitter:@ew401_panthers Map | Directions WELCOME Contact Us Elmwood PATT Main Office Principal's Message School Hours Student Handbook Virtual Backpack ABOUT ELMWOOD BASEC Elmwood Directory Enrollment & Fees Free & Reduced Lunch Meal Menus MySchoolBucks

Where is Elm High School in Elm Il?

Elm Middle School Grades 6-8 7607 W. Cortland St. Elmwood Park, IL 60707 Phone: 708-452-3550 Visit Elm EPHS Elmwood Park High School


Where can I view PowerSchool?

Where to View PowerSchool. Parents and students can gain access to PowerSchool through a web browser, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Explorer. Additionally, parents and students may load the free PowerSchool Mobile app to their iOS or Android device.

What is PowerSchool in District 401?

PowerSchool. District 401 uses PowerSchool to help parents and students keep track of a variety of important academic information, such as grades, attendance, assignments and class schedules.
