eltham college parent portal

by Taylor Cremin 3 min read

Who provides Eltham College coach services?

Eltham College Coach Services are proudly provided by Kura. Below you’ll find information for parents and students including routes, timetables, how to book and contact details for our support team.

How does Eltham work with families?

Teachers, Mentors and LifeWork Coaches work in careful partnership with families to understand student needs and to provide regular contact, progress reports and consultation. ELTHAM’s intranet and mE app enables parents to gain access to their child’s progress and curriculum at any time.

How do I contact Eltham College?

Each form group takes the tutor’s initials and these initials provide the email address, followed by the stem @eltham-college.org.uk. Alternatively, School Reception can be contacted on 020 8857 1455. Please note that many contacts also teach and may well be unable to respond immediately.

What are the late routes to Eltham College?

The late routes will run on a scheduled service to key bus stops across the Eltham College Coach network. Users of the Isle of Dogs and Surrey Quays/Greenwich routes are encouraged to take the Blackheath D late route to Greenwich Station.


What is the Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to be kept informed of their child’s school life as well as offering an excellent communication platform. Please be advised all letters to parents will appear on the Parent Portal only and not on the website. Once logged in, the letters can be found in the ‘School information / parent letters and documents’ section.

How to download iParent app?

Once downloaded, you will be prompted to enter the school code. Obtain code. Then you will be able to log in using your normal Parent Portal log in details. Android will ask you to set a 4 digit code to open the App in future.
