emsb parent portal

by Amos Moore 9 min read

What is the EMSB?

The English Montreal School Board serves more than 36,000 students who attend some 70 schools and centres in the youth and adult sectors on the island of Montreal. From pre-kindergarten to vocational training programs, the EMSB provides a caring, safe and inclusive learning community that is focused on academic excellence.

Can the EMSB apply for my child’s eligibility?

The EMSB cannot apply for your child’s eligibility. If you live inside EMSB territory, we ask that you kindly click on the link below to book your appointment with our Law 101 office to apply for a Certificate of English Eligibility for your child.

Who can access the Mozaïk Parent Portal?

Only parents or guardians whose child attends an EMSB school may access the Mozaïk Parent Portal. In order to create an account please ensure that you have provided your email address to your child's school. If not, please contact your child's school to ask them to add your email address to your child’s record.


Educating your child at home

Parents and guardians who homeschool their children are responsible for ensuring that they benefit from an educational experience equivalent to what is provided at school according to Law 144 (Home Schooling Regulation).

Homeschooling questions from parents and guardians

Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions for information about homeschooling.
