erms parent portal

by Stan King 8 min read

How do I use the parent portal?

Here's how to go about using our "Parent Portal:" Enter your username and password. You received this information in a letter from the school. If you are unable to find this information, please contact the office. School office contact information can be viewed here.

What is Erms?

What is ERMS? ERMS is an information system for automating and managing end-to-end internal business processes, data processing and sharing across departments and sections of an institution seamlessly aiming at optimizing resource utilization, efficiency and effectiveness in day-to-day operations.

Can a parent volunteer at East Ridge Middle School?

Please note that any parent volunteers, a parent attending a school function, or a parent entering the building for any reason must fill out this Google form on the day of their visit or we will not allow them into the building. Welcome to the East Ridge Middle School (ERMS) website.

Is it possible to start using Erms in the middle of year?

Yes it is possible,You can start using it in the middle of financial year, the system provide a platform where you can migrate and import informations in the system. ERMS is designed with flexibility in mind; enough to respond to the rapidly changing needs of an institution.


What is an ERMS?

What is ERMS? ERMS is an information system for automating and managing end-to-end internal business processes, data processing and sharing across departments and sections of an institution seamlessly aiming at optimizing resource utilization, efficiency and effectiveness in day-to-day operations.

What is ERMS in government?

ERMS is designed with flexibility in mind; enough to respond to the rapidly changing needs of an institution. It can easily be integrated with other Government informtion systems such as GMS, GePG, HCMIS, Central Accounting System, e-office, etc. should the need be.

Can ERMS be integrated?

ERMS can be integrated with other systems in an organisation. Its modules can easily be interfaced or detached whenever required without affecting other modules. This gives institutions the choice on which modules to use based on their environment and business needs.


Yes ERMS is an ERP. However, while other ERP‘s are time-consuming, costful, and tedious to customize in order to fit respective business environment, ERMS is developed specifically for Tanzania Public Institutions with minimal or no customizations "out-of-the box".

Is ERMS the same as GePG?

Yes, ERMS is diffrent from GePG. ERMS aims to manage and automate end to end institution’s internal business processes to optimize resource utilization while GePG aims to facilitate electronic revenue collections from the public to the Government .

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