erskine college parent portal

by Clay O'Hara 7 min read

Is Erskine College open for public access?

Please, check the input data and make sure the page is open for public access. Erskine College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.

Does Erskine offer financial aid?

Over 90% of Erskine students receive some form of financial assistance from Federal, State, and Institutional aid sources. We offer a variety of scholarship opportunities that recognize our students’ academic abilities, athletic talent, and honor their dedication to the performing arts, community service, and more.

What is Erskine Academy?

Meet the Team PlusPortals Erskine Academy is an independent secondary school dedicated to providing all students a high quality education. Through an extensive academic program, rich and meaningful experiences, and a caring school community, the Academy develops a firm foundation in scholarship, leadership, stewardship, and relationships.

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Personal Information

By clicking the Modify Personal Information button, you may view the address, phone number (s), and email address currently listed in your record. At this point you will have the option to submit any needed changes to this information.

View Items Currently Checked Out

If you have any items currently checked out, a link indicating “ Items currently checked out ” will appear in your record. By clicking on that link, you will be able to view a list of all items currently checked out in your name. Each item will also show the due date.

Renew Books

From the “ Items currently checked out ” screen you have the option of renewing books online. To do so, check the box next to each book you wish to renew and then click the Renew Selected button.

View Unpaid Fines and Fees

If you have any unpaid library fines or fees, a link reflecting this will appear in your patron record (for example, “$x.xx in unpaid fines and bills”). You may click on this link for a more detailed view of the fines and/or fees.

My Reading History

You have the option of setting up the Library Catalog to automatically maintain for you a running history of items that you have checked out. You will have to activate this feature if you wish to take advantage of it. To active your reading history, log in to your personal account and click the My Reading History button.

Preferred Searches

The McCain Library Catalog provides a feature called “Preferred Searches& which allows you to save a particular search for later use. To save preferred searches, first, log in to your personal library account.
