eschoolbook parent portal lakeview

by Dr. Werner Schoen Jr. 4 min read

What is Chromebook insurance?

Device Protection Plan (Formerly Chromebook Insurance) Device Protection Plan. In an effort to protect families from unknown expenses that may occur from theft or accidental damage while the device is in the care of your student, the district is offering a device protection plan.

Can students take pictures on Seesaw?

Students can take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio. Teachers can also share notes, photos and videos with families. Seesaw Family App. You student's teacher will give you the access code to connect your student's account with the app.

Kindergarten Round-Up Wednesday, February 23rd 2022

Lakeview Public Schools Kindergarten Round-Up Wednesday, February 23, 2022. 6:00 pm check in, meeting 6:30-8:00 pm. Lakeview High School Auditorium 21100 Eleven Mile Road, SCS. Please click on the link above for more information.

School of Choice is now Open for the 2022-2023 School Year

OPEN TO MACOMB COUNTY RESIDENTS - UNLIMITED OPENINGS IN KDG AND 6th THRU 11th GRADES. Limited Openings: 1st (30 seats), 2nd (30 seats), 3rd (40 seats), 4th (25 seats), and 5th (20 seats) Grades.

Lakeview Public School COVID-19 Reporting

Click here to view Lakeview Public Schools COVID-19 reporting notification letters.

Lakeview Public School District and School Annual Education Reports (AER) are available

Please click on the link to view the Lakeview Public School District and School AER reports. Hard copies are available upon request at the Wheat Administration Building located at 27575 Harper, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081

Lakeview Facility Rentals..

Schaublin Auditorium is a state-of-the-art performance venue! Our high school cafeteria has audio/visual presentation capabilities, a 400-seat capacity, and an area for catering!

Lakeview Elementary Students Practice Kindness

Every year before Christmas, Lakeview kindergarten classes do a Grinch Day. This year, The Kindergarten Team teachers wore shirts with the slogan “In a world of Grinches be a Cindy Lou Who!”

Lakeview Classrooms Stocked with Books

If you want to know anything about Greek and Roman mythology, just ask Luke, a fourth grader at Lakeview Elementary School.

Students at Lakeview Elementary Learn Fire Safety

After donning protective gear that covered him from helmet to boot, Andrew Roberto, Assistant Chief of the Mahopac Volunteer Fire Department, got down on his hands and knees and crawled through the rows of first graders at Lakeview Elementary School.

All-Elementary Race is a Long Tradition

First, the Lakeview Elementary School runners camped on the hill started chanting “Let’s go Lakeview, Let’s go!” Not to be outdone, rivals Austin Road and Fulmar Road elementary schools got loud with cheers of their own.

Fall into SEPTO event

Families from across the district came out to Sycamore TownPark on Sunday, Oct. 17, to celebrate the season with the Special Education Parent Teacher Organization.

St. John's Thanks Lakeview for Donations

news: Deanne DelCampo’s class was celebrated one last time before school ended for their amazing efforts to promote kindness at Lakeview and beyond. Her class logged the most acts of kindness during the RaiseCraze event - 111 to be exact - so representatives from Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Mahopac

4-H Program Connects MHS Senior and Lakeview 3rd Grade Class

As part of the National 4-H Ag Innovators Project, MHS Senior WISE Intern and Putnam 4-H Teen Leader, Anne Kasparian facilitated the Curbing Your Carbon Appetite Lesson for Denise Hembury’s 3rd Grade at Lakeview Elementary.
