ess parent portal

by Rosario Stark 6 min read

How does The Sims Parent App work?

The SIMS Parent app allows schools to provide information to parents in real-time. If they are notified that their child has missed registration, action can be taken immediately to ensure children are kept safe.

Can I access my child’s current grades and attendance via the Internet?

The administration and staff at East Samford School are excited to announce that we are at the point where we can provide you and June with access to your child’s current grades and attendance via the internet. To access this information you will need to follow these steps:

What are the hours of supervision at ESS centers?

ESS Centers and Grant Based ESS Learning Centers offer 6 am – 6 pm supervision daily throughout the school year. The L.A.T.E.R. program offers a safe, academically enriched place for middle school students from the close of school until 6:00 pm. daily. We also offer 6:00 am – 6:00 pm programs at various sites during the school holidays.


Extended Student Services (ESS)

The Lakeside Union School District Extended Student Services Program offers a variety of programs at all public schools in the district. ESS Centers and Grant Based ESS Learning Centers offer 6 am – 6 pm supervision daily throughout the school year. The L.A.T.E.R.

Assistance with Childcare Cost

San Diego County offers child care assistance through the Centralized Child Care Eligibility List. Assistance may be available to you through the following link .
