esy parent portal

by Maurine Leffler 8 min read

How do I get help with Parent Portal?

For assistance with Parent Portal, Contact your local District's Parent and Community Engagement Office Quick Links Parent Portal Volunteers Parent Resources School Calendars Local Districts E-Choices Open Data Dashboard

What does ESY stand for in special education?

Email: Attention Special Education Teachers and Paraeducators! Extended school year (ESY) means an individualized extension of specific services beyond the regular school year that is designed to meet the specific goals included in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

What is extended school year (ESY)?

Extended school year (ESY) means an individualized extension of specific services beyond the regular school year that is designed to meet the specific goals included in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). ESY services vary in intensity, location, inclusion of related services, and length of time, depending upon the student’s needs.

How do I contact parent and Community Engagement Office?

Local District Central- (213) 766-7311 Local District East- (323) 224-3382 Local District Northeast- (818) 252-5400 Local District Northwest- (818) 654-3600 Local District South- (310) 354-3230 Local District West- (310) 914-2124 For assistance with Parent Portal, Contact your local District's Parent and Community Engagement Office Quick Links


Extended School Year Services (ESY)

Extended school year (ESY) means an individualized extension of specific services beyond the regular school year that is designed to meet the specific goals included in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). ESY services vary in intensity, location, inclusion of related services, and length of time, depending upon the student’s needs.

What We Do

Provide special education and transportation services for qualified students during the Extended School Year Services.


Please feel free to contact us through e-mail drop box at
