evergreen junior high parent portal

by Yesenia O'Hara PhD 8 min read

Why choose Evergreen junior high school?

Through our continued commitment to all, each and every student at Evergreen Junior High School will be given the tools to complete seventh and eighth grade with a mastery or advanced on statewide assessments, entering high school on track to become college and career ready. “All students achieve academic success.”

Is there a school supply list for Evergreen High School?

Evergreen High will be undergoing major construction throughout the summer. The building will be closed until August 10. The best way to reach administration and staff is through email. EHS does not have an official school supply list. Please view... Taking Honors or AP?

Is there a bus route for Evergreen junior high school 2021-22?

An abridgement of the 2021-22 Evergreen Junior High Continual School Improvement Plan is now available for you to look at. ... Attached is the Evergreen Bus Route for the year 2021-2022. If you would like more information busing please go to ...

Are the first quarter-final grades posted at Evergreen?

Dear Evergreen Parents and Students, First quarter-final grades have been posted and you may now access your student’s report cards in ... An abridgement of the 2021-22 Evergreen Junior High Continual School Improvement Plan is now available for you to look at. ...


Dance Company 2022-2023

Great job to everyone that tried out! So proud of your hard work. Here are the results of the tryouts: Dance Company ...

Parent University

Olympus Jr. High School will be hosting our upcoming Parent University on Wednesday, February 23rd and we invite all Evergreen parents to ...

2022-23 Concert Choir

Congratulations to next year’s Concert Choir members! The auditions were extremely well-attended and it was difficult to narrow down, but ...

School Improvement Plan

An abridgement of the 2021-22 Evergreen Junior High Continual School Improvement Plan is now available for you to look at. ...

Evergreen Bus Route

Attached is the Evergreen Bus Route for the year 2021-2022. If you would like more information busing please go to ...

What is PowerSchool system?

PowerSchool is the system used to manage your emergency contact information and safety notification preferences. Using this system you will tell us who you want us to contact and where you want us to contact you...by email, through text or calling your home or mobile phone.

What is PowerSchool in elementary school?

Elementary Schools - In elementary school, PowerSchool lets parents see their child's class schedule, see their child's report card, follow their attendance, and communicate with teachers.
