evergreen middle school colorado parent portal

by Prof. Braeden Hermann I 7 min read

How do I order a yearbook for Evergreen Middle School?

The Herff Jones Order Center allows you to order through the Herff Jones website directly. If you use this link, verify you are ordering the yearbook for Evergreen Middle School in Colorado (order #17941). 2. You may also order directly from EMS by contacting Lori Pauk, the financial secretary, at Lori.Pauk@jeffco.k12.co.us or 303-982-5010.

Why choose Evergreen Community Charter School?

Evergreen Community Charter School is a learning community committed to the pursuit of excellence in the holistic education of mind, body, and spirit. We prepare students for successful lifelong learning, social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and service. We value the voice of every member of our community.

Where is toddler to lower elementary Evergreen CO?

Toddler to Lower Elementary 6979 Hwy 73 Evergreen, CO 80439 Troutdale Toddler to Lower Elementary 29740 Troutdale Scenic Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2468 Evergreen, CO 80437 Privacy Policy 303-674-0093 Our Programs Toddler Program Primary Program Lower Elementary Upper Elementary Middle School Enrichment & Support

What is the evergreen fund?

The Evergreen Fund bridges the funding gap. It heats our school during the winter. It ensures we can provide counseling services. It staffs our classrooms with associate teachers. It funds educational programming that not only teaches students about physics and algebra, but also how to be good people.


What is the Evergreen Union School District's new communication tool called?

Evergreen Union School District is rolling out a new communication tool called Communications . You were notified via email and SMS text message on 3/1/2019 to get started! To learn more about Communications, watch the following video to assist in getting started:

When do 7th graders need to get their TDP?

Currently, all incoming 7th grade students will need proof of their Tdap booster shot before starting the 2020-2021 school year. State law also requires the proof of the following immunizations: 5 doses of TDP, 4 doses of polio, 2 doses of varicella, 2 doses of MMR and 3 doses of Hepatitis B: however most students have already received these ...

When will 7th graders be allowed to go to school?

7th Grade Teacher Requests will be limited to those current 6th graders who have provided proof of Tdap and all other legally required immunizations by May 08, 2020 to the school. Students who have not provided proof of current immunizations before the first day of school will be excluded from school during the 2020-2021 school year until proof ...

What is middle school?

Our 7th & 8th Year program aligns with Montessori best-practices for this age, and combines challenging academic preparation with experiential education. Individualized math groups, integrated humanities, hands-on science, and a wide-array of specials and electives compris e the school schedule.

Do MSE graduates excel in high school?

MSE graduates consistently demonstrate readiness to excel in the high-schools they attend. Our graduates report they are confident and well-prepared in their schoolwork. Their high-schools report that MSE graduates are the first students to raise their hands in class to offer their insights, advocate for themselves with teachers, demonstrate emotional maturity, and get involved in sports, community service and other extracurricular activities. In short, they excel in high-school, college, and career because of their experiences at MSE.

Family Portal

Beginning in December 2021, the Infinite Campus Parent Portal will replace much of the functionality that Jeffco Connect used to provide, specifically maintaining and updating contact information, paying fees, and completing the registration process each year.


Forgot your student or parent password? Parents/guardians should visit our Personal Account Manager to recover or reset their usernames and passwords. Students should use the student password reset tool.


Dinosaur Ridge Walk along side the giants of the past, take a field trip back in time, meet a geolgist, and join the Dino of The Month Club! Explore Dinosaur Ridge


JCPL Summer Library Challenge Whether it’s magical fantasy, white-knuckle suspense, examples of heroism in non-fiction or more, release your imagination and let it run free! What's Your Wild Idea?


Kids Eat Free Summer Food Service Program Free Grab-n-Go meal service continues throughout the summer for all ages 1-18. Find locations and times. Kids Eat Free | Las Niñas Comen Gratis

Are you interested in joining the CCSD Citizens' Advisory Team?

The Citizens’ Advisory Team is tasked with becoming familiar with the bond that Clear Creek voters approved in November 2021. The team is advisory to the CCSD Board of Education, and is an independent, community-based team.

Weather Alert

Due to wind and weather conditions, the buses will be running late. I-70 is currently closed at Georgetown as well. Thank you for your patience. As always it is a families choice to keep students home on inclement weather days.

Are you interested in joining the CCSD Citizens' Advisory Team?

The Citizens’ Advisory Team is tasked with becoming familiar with the bond that Clear Creek voters approved in November 2021. The team is advisory to the CCSD Board of Education, and is an independent, community-based team.

Weather Alert

Due to wind and weather conditions, the buses will be running late. I-70 is currently closed at Georgetown as well. Thank you for your patience. As always it is a families choice to keep students home on inclement weather days.
