evesham genesis parent portal

by Prof. Allen Zulauf 4 min read

What is the Genesis Parent Portal?

The Genesis Parent Portal provides parents secure access to various student information such as teacher assignment, attendance, and report card grades. At the upper elementary and middle school grades, parents can also access online grades.

Why Evesham Township Schools?

Through mutual respect and tolerance, the Rice family celebrates individuality and promotes culturally aware world citizens. In keeping with our mission statement, the Evesham Township School District continues to promote and maintain a positive school climate and culture at each of our schools that encourages civility, respect and caring.

What do I do if I Forget my Parent Portal password?

Please use the password reset link on the Parent Portal page if you have forgotten your password.


Welcome to DeMasi Schools

Our goal is to provide you with an overview of our school, programs, and extra-curricular activities. This site will keep you updated on various events/activities occurring within the school and district, as well as direct you to key personnel who will be happy to further assist you should questions still remain.

Our Mission

The mission of DeMasi Schools is to create an environment that produces life-long constructive learners. To support this environment, learning must be interactive and social where parents, teachers and students become problem solvers moving toward responsible decision making within the school, community and beyond.

Welcome to Beeler Elementary

Our goal is to provide you with an overview of our school, programs, and extra-curricular activities. This site will keep you updated on various events/activities occurring within the school and district, as well as direct you to key personnel who will be happy to further assist you should questions still remain.

Our Mission

At Beeler Elementary School, we are committed to educating children through engaging and rigorous academic experiences that provide the foundation for life-long learning. The social, emotional and academic well being of our students is supported in a safe and nurturing environment.

Welcome to Marlton Middle

Our goal is to provide you with an overview of our school, programs, and extra-curricular activities. This site will keep you updated on various events/activities occurring within the school and district, as well as direct you to key personnel who will be happy to further assist you should questions still remain.

Our Mission

MMS promotes an encouraging, caring, and secure learning environment for our sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students. Completed in 1976, our school is evenly divided among two houses: Blue and Yellow. Each house functions like its own mini-school to better serve our students and staff.

Welcome to Rice Elementary

Our goal is to provide you with an overview of our school, programs, and extra-curricular activities. This site will keep you updated on various events/activities occurring within the school and district, as well as direct you to key personnel who will be happy to further assist you should questions still remain.

Our Mission

The Richard L. Rice School is a community of learners working together in an environmentwhere children feel safe, nurtured and challenged to meet their academic potential. We are dedicated to creating lifelong enthusiasm for learning, fostering social and emotional growth, and encouraging physical wellness.
