ewcsd aeries parent portal

by Antonio Schuster 10 min read

How do I sign up to receive EWCSD's community newsletter?

Community members can now sign up to receive EWCSD's Community Newsletter by email. The East Whittier City School District has developed a COVID-19 Update Website for the 2021-2022 school year.

How can I make sure I receive all parent portal emails?

In your email account, check your SPAM (or junk mail) folder to see if it was automatically sent there. Add parenthelp@ewcsd.org to your contacts so you are sure to receive all Parent Portal-related emails in the future. Check with your email provider regarding compatibility with Aeries.

Is EWCSD returning to in-person instruction?

This a great opportunity for parents, families and the community to have open, two-way dialogue with the District. Beginning on March 1, 2021, EWCSD will be returning to in-person instruction for students in our Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, K-5 STEP Program, and all of our K-8 Moderate-Severe students.

What information do parents need to complete in an emergency?

IMPORTANT: Parents are required to complete emergency contact and student health information annually. Parents must now utilize Aeries Parent Portal to update this critical information that is needed in the event of an emergency.



At Granada, we strive for excellence in everything we do. Built upon a strong, standards-based, academic foundation, every aspect of our curriculum and school environment is geared towards our district mission of helping our students become lifelong learners and contributing members of a literate, skilled, and responsible society.

Opening the Door

At the East Whittier City School District, we are preparing our students to be 21st Century citizens by teaching them five essential skills: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical thinking and Community. These skills will open the door to our students' future education, careers and other important areas of their lives.


Red Ribbon Week is celebrated annually and is the nation's largest drug prevention awareness program. This year, Red Ribbon Week will take place at Granada from October 25 to 29. See the schedule!
