excellencia college parent portal

by Miss Rafaela Thiel 4 min read

How many students does excellencia have?

Our operations started in 2015 with 250 students, since then, we have grown to 850 students and are still growing. Our residential campus at Shamirpet is spread over 15acres, At Excellencia we do not just push the students to keep their

What is the myexcelsior student portal?

Once accepted to Excelsior College, students gain access to the MyExcelsior Student Portal. The portal contains resources, apps, and information that will help you on your student journey. Items marked with an asterisk require login. Term start and end dates, registration periods, holidays, etc.

What is the Springfield College Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information: Student eBill/Payment Plan, including making an online payment

What is in the student portal?

The portal contains resources, apps, and information that will help you on your student journey. Items marked with an asterisk require login. Term start and end dates, registration periods, holidays, etc.


Why Excellencia?

"Sarvatra Syat Vishishtatha – Excellence everywhere and in everything." This is what makes Excellencia different. We do not want to be different for the sake of being different. Our aim is to be superior than just being different. This is what drives us to be excellent in anything we do.

What is Excellencia's inspirational step?

Excellencia took inspirational steps towards the acadamic progress of improving and inbuilding the confidence levels in childs. They have taken precaution towards the covid and also provided useful side of online classes.

What does a parent teacher do in a parent teacher meeting?

In parent teacher meetings, parents get to know the child performance in their academic targets, as well as their attitude and behaviour towards their learning in class and in college. Parents can arise any issues experienced with their children, not just with the academics but other social, health or emotional issues.

What is the academic responsibility of each section?

Academic Responsibility of each section is assigned to Senior faculty who helps in groming academics of a child. Academically student is monitored on day to day basis and accordingly remedial measures are taken to ensure academic growth of child.

What is Excelencia in education?

Examples of Excelencia is the only national effort to identify and promote evidence-based practices that help accelerate Latino student success in higher education. Through a year-long process, Excelencia identifies, reviews, and promotes programs at colleges and universities as well as community-based organizations.

Why did Excelencia conduct an environmental scan of Puerto Rico?

Excelencia in Education conducted an environmental scan of Puerto Rico to better understand the community and context of higher education, as colleges and universities transform to better serve their Latino students. This environmental scan identifies and includes a profile of the community overall, the socio-economic profile and educational pipeline, and the condition of institutions of higher education over the past several years. Learn more about the current context with which colleges and universities in Puerto Rico are having to manage their resilience and efforts to serve their students.

What is the Springfield College Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information:

How to gain access to Springfield College portal?

To gain access to the portal, students must setup an account and grant the appropriate permissions for each authorized user. Students will also need to provide users with their Springfield College student ID number, to enable them to confirm their account and gain access to the portal.
