extend after school care parent portal

by Ms. Mya Beer PhD 9 min read

How does extend-a-care work with parents and guardians?

Parents and Guardians can register for Extend-A-Care YMCA programs and access their accounts by logging in to EZ Child Track. When Y members see Project S.A.F.E. participants in the pool on weekdays, they can feel great... Independent play is a critical skill for toddlers and young children.

How do I find the nearest extend service to my school?

Enter your school’s name or a suburb to find your service, or the nearest service operating in your area. If Extend does not operate in your school, and you would like to consider Extend for your Outside School Hours Care, please submit an enquiry here.

Where can I enroll for afterschool care 2021-2022?

ENROLL TODAY FOR AFTERSCHOOL CARE! 2021-2022 Enrollment open! Locations across Travis County, Hays, Manor, & Round Rock. E nroll via our Afterschool Care webpage! See our Afterschool webpage for waitlist updates and information. 2021-22 PRESCHOOL ENROLLMENT OPEN!

How do I register for extend-a-care YMCA programs?

Parents and Guardians can register for Extend-A-Care YMCA programs and access their accounts by logging in to EZ Child Track. Should you need additional support to get logged into your account, please email us at EACY @AustinYMCA.org.


Via EZC hildTrack

Parents and Guardians can register for Extend-A-Care YMCA programs and access their accounts by logging in to EZ Child Track.

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The Austin Community

Our YMCA is volunteer-led and seeks to reflect the unique communities we serve. We continually work to identify key needs and develop programming to address them. We welcome your input in helping strengthen the foundations of our community.
