ezchildtrack parent portal registration

by Dr. Ransom Block 9 min read

What is the ezchildtrack software?

The EZChildTrack software allows hassle-free input of registration data online using secure electronic registration forms. The inclusion of parent registration forms enables parents to open new accounts via Parent Portal.

What's new with ezchildtrack for 2022?

We are excited to share that we’ll be utilizing a new registration platform called EZChildTrack for 2022. Our hope is that this change will make registration easier than ever! If you have previously enrolled your kiddo in our Extended School Enrichment program, then you will be familiar with the EZChildTrack platform.

How does parent portal work as a childcare provider?

As a childcare provider, you can decide what level of access you want to give to the parents from this interface. By giving access to your parents to manage their account, your staff gets more time to focus on providing better childcare. With Parent Portal, parents can:


When will families be notified of a student's enrollment?

Families will be notified via email when they have successfully registered, when the student is enrolled (starting August 5th), or if the student had to be placed on a waiting list.

How to contact the Village of Monrovia?

Registration and Enrollment questions??   Please call the Village office at (626) 471-3083. You can also email the Village Office at: vesppm@monroviaschools.net.

Do you need to register for Village before school?

All families (including Learning Pod families and previously enrolled Village Families) will need to register/re-register for the Village Before and After School Programs .

Do you have to reregister for Village Live?

Please note:Students who were enrolled in the Village Live Program or the Learning Pods are required to re-register andare notautomatically re-enrolled into the Village Program.
