ezchildtrack parent portal ymca

by Ova Treutel 6 min read

How do I register for extend-a-care YMCA programs?

Parents and Guardians can register for Extend-A-Care YMCA programs and access their accounts by logging in to EZ Child Track. Should you need additional support to get logged into your account, please email us at EACY @AustinYMCA.org.

Is the YMCA in Austin TX open for after school?

2021-22 PRESCHOOL ENROLLMENT OPEN! The YMCA has been providing Afterschool Care and Summer Day Camp for more than 50 years. With programmatic oversight now being managed through our new Extend-A-Care YMCA branch, the Y now offers Infant/Preschool Care and an added 20 years of providing innovative, high-quality programming for Austin-area families.

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal is an online interface for parents which provides them a quick and easy access to the information for managing their childcare needs. The parent portal is completely configurable to meet your childcare program needs. As a childcare provider, you can decide what level of access you want to give to the parents from this interface.

How do I register for the infant preschool program?

Call 512-236-9622 or email EACY @AustinYMCA.org for questions about Infant Preschool Programs. Additionally, a non-refundable registration fee of $200 and a supply fee of $100 will be paid annually. All registrations for 2020-21 Extend-A-Care Infant & Preschool programs are conducted online via EZC hildTrack .


What is the phone number for EACY?

Call 512-236-9622 or email EACY @AustinYMCA.org for questions about Infant Preschool Programs.

What are some ways to limit the mixing of children?

Limit the mixing of children, such as staggering playground times and keeping groups separate for special activities such as art, music, and exercising.

Why do kids have trifolds?

During meal times, the children will be in their assigned spot and will have mini trifolds around them to reduce any viral transmission.

How long does it take to pick up a sick child at a school?

Parents/Guardians will need to pick up a sick child within 30 minutes of receiving the phone call.

Can parents drop off at a hospital?

Staff will be the only adults allowed into the facility in order to reduce the potential of viral spread.

Should infants be transported in their car seat?

Infants should be transported in their car seat.

Do parents sign children in each day?

Parents will verbally sign children in each day. Infants should be transported in their car seat. Y Staff will ask the screening questions and take the child’s temperature in order for the child to be accepted into the program for that day. Staff will also be screened daily and have temperature checks throughout the day.

What is the YMCA of Southern Nevada?

Every day since 1944, the YMCA of Southern Nevada gives our community the support it needs to learn, grow and thrive. The Y believes everyone deserves a chance to succeed, no matter the background or income. We have learned that can happen only when we unite to nurture the best in all of us. That is why our cause is strengthening community through:

Is Y Las Vegas a 501c3?

As a 501 (c)3, we work hard to ensure all are welcome at our Y Las Vegas, and no one is turned away because of their inability to pay. We are affordable for all.
