Looking to fill out an application for aid? Looking to view your current application? FACTS provides the technology and communication so you can connect with your student and school easily and on your schedule. Check grades, pay for lunch, and stay in the know on everything going on at your school with FACTS Family Portal.
Parent Portal is parent access to student information. It allows parents to view their student's records in real-time. When a grade or attendance mark has been entered, you'll be able to see it right away.
The Parent Circle is a community of parents who have made a gift of financial support to Penn Charter in the current academic year. What's Happening? Loading...
Parent Portal is parent access to student information. It allows parents to view their student's records in real-time. When a grade or attendance mark has been entered, you'll be able to see it right away. This access will keep you well informed of your student's progress.
Obtain & complete a Parent Portal Access Authorization Form (either from our office or print one off of the school website); then return the form to Bergmann at COHS.
Parents and guardians will have real-time access to view their student's attendance, class assignments, grades, transcripts, class schedules, testing data, contact information, and immunization records. Note that the transcripts available on Parent Portal are not official. Contact the school registrar for official transcripts.
The Council of Great City Schools has developed parent roadmaps for understanding the English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics CCSS in kindergarten through grade eight. The roadmaps explain to parents what children will be learning and how parents can support learning outside of the classroom. The Roadmaps are offered in English and Spanish.
This three-minute video explains how the common core standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond. The video is also offered in Spanish:
This handbook, created by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) in consultation with the California State PTA, gives parents an introduction to California's CCSS and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through grade eight.
The California Department of Education has compiled Fact Sheets that provide an overview of the Common Core in 18 different languages.
The California PTA provides a variety of resources to help parents understand the Common Core State Standards. The resources include Frequently Asked Questions about the Common Core, Parents' Guide to Student Success, a list of additional resources, and articles of interest.
From working a snack stand on Color Day to visiting your child's classroom for a special presentation, to taking on a leadership role in the Parent Community; whatever suits your interests and schedule is welcome.
Find back-to-school resources including the Magnus health app, book ordering and more in the Resources section of the Hub.