fairport school district parent portal

by Syble Bauch V 7 min read

What is the Fairport Central School District Parent Portal?

Welcome Parents! Welcome to the Fairport Central School District Parent Portal! This website is designed as a resource for parents to enhance involvement with their child's education by connecting with communication platforms used at FCSD, as well as providing help and support along the way.

What are the elementary schools in Fairport?

Our four elementary schools include Brooks Hill, Dudley, Jefferson Avenue, and Northside . Johanna Perrin and Martha Brown Middle Schools serve grades 6-8. 9th grade students attend school at Minerva DeLand and continue to Fairport High School for grades 10-12.

What is the parent portal?

This website is designed as a resource for parents to enhance involvement with their child's education by connecting with communication platforms used at FCSD, as well as providing help and support along the way. We encourage you to use the Parent Portal regularly and become a partner with us in your child’s education.

How do I sign up for parentsquare?

ParentSquare is our primary platform for district communication between Staff, Students and Parents. To register, click the ParentSquare button above and select sign/up. Be sure to use your parent or guardian email address that is on file in Schooltool. Visit the ParentSquare Help Pages if you need assistance.


When will Fairport Central School District retire?

June 25, 2021. The Fairport Central School District has more than 30 retiring staff for the 2020-21 school year. The District thanks all of its retirees for their service and dedication to the Fairport school community.

When is Fairport High School construction 2021?

July 13, 2021. Crews were hard at work the week of July 6 at Fairport High School as construction continues on the 2019 voter-approved Fairport Forward Capital Improvement Project.

Who is the music teacher at Fairport High School?

Fairport High School (FHS) Music Teacher Bill Tiberio has been teaching students of all ages in Fairport for more than three decades. You’ll see him everywhere; from directing the orchestra in the pit for the FHS musicals and giving one-on-one instruction on woodwind instruments to conducting jazz ensembles at FHS and at area colleges.

When is Fairport Forward 2021?

July 8, 2021. Work on the 2019 voter-approved Fairport Forward Capital Improvement Project is well underway at Fairport High School (FHS). During the week of June 28, crews with Campus Construction and Labella Associates began removing kitchen equipment and moving it to the gymnasium for temporary storage.

What is Schooltool icon?

Schooltool uses icons to display a number of different pieces of information. If you hover your mouse cursor over an icon for a few seconds, a message will appear with an explanation of the icon's meaning.

Can I use Safari to view report card?

If you are using Safari you may need to enable popups for the page to view the report card) For best results, we recommend accessing report card data on a standard Laptop or Desktop computer with any modern web browser and Adobe PDF viewer software installed.

What is Fairport Senior High School?

News & World Report. The publication released its high school rankings last month. Fairport was ranked #1,227 in the nation, placing it in the top 40% of schools identified by the magazine,

When will Fairport schools return to full time?

Superintendent Provenzano sent the following message to all families with children in grades K-12 at Fairport schools, April 10, regarding the return to full-time instruction beginning April 19 after the NYSDOH updated its guidance on April 9, 2021.

When is Fairport School District meeting 2021?

The Fairport Central School District Board of Education (BOE) will hold a special meeting on Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 8 p.m. to discuss Fairport’s mask and face covering policy. The meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually via YouTube LIVE.

Who is the principal of Dudley School?

Jamie Naple, of Victor, was appointed as Dudley School’s next principal at the April 20, 2021 Board of Education meeting, beginning July 1, 2021. She will replace Karen Fingar, who is retiring at the end of June.
